127337 标题:莫文蔚中四作品。

XXXXXXXXXX写于2008-4-12 17:34:00(点击697次) [ 后退 ]
A Sonnet Karen Mok
Like a ball of fire, the sun erupted
From the volcano. A blazing bright red,
Like a drop of impish blood, reflected
In my eyes. Beads of sweat on my forehead
Glistened in this strong light as they trickled
Down my face like a stream of silvery tears.
The grasses rubbing in the wind, cackled
And destroyed the calmness that filled my ears.
The orange sphere that dominated the sky
Gradually lost its vigour and might;
For small twinkling stars eclipsed the shy
Setting sun that slowly sank out of sight.
Not a sound intruded the sleeping world
As the mystic banner of night unfurled.

(XXXXXXXXXX)修改于2008-4-12 17:34:57
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