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What Does His Locker Say About Him?|观其柜知其人

※ Spic-and-Span2 Man
This boy keeps his things super-tidy. His locker is strictly functional3, but don't mistake its bare interior for a boring personality: He's as organized as he is a well-mannered gentleman. But his organized ways reveal a guy who needs to know that he can depend on things being where he expects them to be. If you want to get his attention, slip4  a note into his locker—he'll be sure to find it!

※ Sports Buff5
This sports fanatic has everything from pictures to clipping up in his locker. He's an enthusiastic, active guy who truly enjoys finding out everything he cares about. He's always happy doing things at the spur of the moment6, but he also likes to be somewhat prepared. Ask him about his fave7  team or sport, but don't pretend to know more than you do—he'll know!


※ Chaotic Cutie8
The one thing that's more jam-packed9 than this boy's locker is his schedule! Keeping busy is his way of feeling accomplished and valuable—and he is! But he's not out of control. His belongings look like a complete disaster, but he knows exactly where everything is. Like his locker, this cutie gives people the wrong impression, which makes it difficult to read him. Ask about his latest projects or offer to help him out!


※ Band Boy
You can see his locker clear across the hall, and judging by the many stickers and used concert tickets he has up on his door, there's absolutely no mistaking which bands he digs the most. He's passionate about his music! This boy doesn't keep tons of stuff in his locker, which shows that he doesn't have a lot of baggage—in other words, he's drama free!




1. locker   n. 带锁的储物柜
2. spic-and-span 规规矩矩
3. functional  adj. 功能性的
4. slip [slip] v. 塞入
5. sports buff 运动迷
6. at the spur of the moment 一时冲动
7. fave=favorite
8. chaotic cutie 漂亮但却没有收拾
9. jam-packed  adj. 拥挤不堪的