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Battle Bots|战斗机器人

Why are robots so often drawn to the dark side? In The Terminator movies, the robots hunt people down2. In The Matrix3  and its sequels4, they enslave us. Why can’t humans and robots just get along?
Daniel Wilson and his friends used to wonder about the same thing.“I just thought. What if I took these things seriously?” says Wilson, who is a graduate of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. So he wrote a book, How to Survive a Robot Uprising, in which he used evil robots as examples of how robots work and what robots might be capable of someday. “It’s fun to think about what you would do if the Terminator was chasing you,” he says.

Road Warriors

The first robots that might chase people probably won’t look like the Terminator. They’ll look like cars instead.
Robots have no standard look or definition, says Wilson. He prefers the sense-think-act model to explain what robots are. “A robot is any machine that can sense the environment, make some kind of decision, and then act in the real world,” he told Current Science. A robot could look like a car, provided it could perceive5 the world and then act on those perceptions.
Last year, a driverless Volkswagen Touareg SUV6 won a 212-kilometer (132-mile) race through the Nevada desert. Built by scientists and engineers at Stanford University, the VW was equipped with sensors and an artificial intelligence7(AI) system to help it drive over hills, through tunnels, and away from cliffs.
Artificial intelligence is a computer program that mimics8 decision-making functions of the brain.
Robot cars, which researchers call unmanned9 ground vehicles(UGVs), might someday do the driving for us, says Wilson. But what if a UGV were also equipped with a hatred for humans? UGVs can operate without rest, so you might not be able to outrun10 one, even in another vehicle. How could you defend yourself?
Your best bet11, says Wilson, would be to look for unfamiliar territory. If a robot doesn’t have a map of an area loaded into its AI, it will waste precious time assessing the obstacles in its path. The Stanford car bot took almost seven hours to run its race. Any time that you can buy is time to find a hiding place.

Bug Bots

Not all robots would be easy to hide from, however, especially swarm12 robots. Swarm robots are groups of independent robots that collaborate13  like bees in a hive to achieve a task. If hundreds of tiny robots were chasing you, they could investigate every nook and cranny14. So there might be no such thing as a hiding place.
Swarm robots might be useful one day for simple but large jobs, such as harvesting crops or making detailed maps, says Wilson.
“I have a friend who is working on a six-legged cockroach15  robot,”Wilson says.
Cockroaches are a good model because they can scamper16 quickly over uneven ground. They step with three legs at a time, a stable form of motion that is called an alternating tripod gait17. It allows the bugs and any robots that copy them to scoot18 quickly where less nimble19  runners would trip20.
If you’re beset21  by a clan22  of clockwork23  cockroaches, what should you do? Don’t bother hiding. “A thousand robots can afford to leave no stone unturned24,” Wilson says. Run instead, and don’t waste time fighting individual robots. Losing one or two robots makes no difference to the swarm.

Man or Machine?

Though hard to hide from, a robot swarm would still be easy to identify. But what if the robot were an android25—perfectly person-shaped, like the Terminator?
Androids that are bipedal26 (able to walk on two legs) already exist and some can even dance. Future androids will have to do much more.“We’ve basically reshaped the planet to suit the human form,” says Wilson. People have paved over rough ground, built steps for climbing, and put handles on things.“Robots are going to have to look like humans to use the tools we have.”
Androids could be especially helpful doing work that’s extremely dangerous. The U.S. space agency has created an android called Robonaut that might someday repair spacecraft in orbit around Earth.
Though androids can now dance, they are not nimble enough to climb, crawl, and scamper like a real human. Such acts throw today’s androids off balance. To escape an android uprising, try climbing fences and crawling under parked cars, says Wilson.

Robot Rumble27

What exactly could turn a robot to the dark side?
Wilson says a“free will” AI computer program might enable a robot to think for itself and plan evil deeds.
But AI technology is not nearly sophisticated28  enough to result in a robot that can actually do that, he adds.
“What’s much more likely is a malfunction29,” he says, a C-3PO30 that has gone on the fritz31  and spun32  out of control.
“But that’s not as much fun,” Wilson jokes.“It’s much better when it’s humans versus robots.”












1. bot   n. robot(机器人)
2. hunt down追捕直至捕获
3. Matrix 《黑客帝国》
4. sequel  n. 续集,续片
5. perceive   v. 感知,察觉
6. SUV=Sport Utility Vehicle运动型多功能汽车
7. artificial intelligence人工智能
8. mimic   v. 模仿,模拟
9. unmanned   adj. 无人驾驶的
10. outrun   v. 比…跑得快,超过
11. bet [bet] n. 选择,计划
12. swarm  n. 一大群
13. collaborate   v. 协作,合作
14. every nook and cranny到处,每一个角落   nook [nuk] n. 凹角,隐蔽处  
cranny   n. 冷僻的角落
15. cockroach   n. 蟑螂
16. scamper   v. 奔跑,蹦跳
17. alternating tripod gait交替式三脚步法      gait [geit] n. 步态,步法
18. scoot   v. 疾走,溜走
19. nimble   adj. 敏捷的,灵敏的
20. trip [trip] v. 绊倒,跌倒
21. beset  v. 围攻;困扰
22. clan   n. 一大群,队
23. clockwork   n. 精密机械,钟表机构
24. leave no stone unturned千方百计,不遗余力
25. android   n. 人形机器人
26. bipedal  adj. 双足动物的
27. rumble   n. 混战,群架
28. sophisticated  adj. 成熟的,完善的
29. malfunction   n. 失灵,功能障碍
30. C-3PO 《星球大战》中的一个智能机器人
31. on the fritz 出故障的,坏掉了的   
    fritz [frits] v. 失常,发生故障
32. spin [spin] v. 旋转