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King of Oral English (10) |英语口语王(10)

I 天天用短句

It really got to me. 我深受感动。
该句表示深受感动的意思。比如看完一部悲伤的电影,心里很感动,该句就可以派上用场,传神而简洁地表达出你的感受。正式的说法有:I’m deeply moved.
A: What are you crying for? It’s just a movie. 你哭什么呀?这只是一部电影而已。
B:I know, but it really got to me when the little boy’s mother died. 我知道,不过小男孩的母亲去世时,我实在感触很深。
A: How was your trip to Dalian? 这趟大连之行怎么样?
B: I had a great time on the beaches, but the politeness really got to me after a while. 我在海滩玩得非常愉快,不过当地人的礼貌叫我感受颇深。

He’s gone for the day. 他今天已经走了。
当询问某人是否在办公室时,若他已经下班了,则要说:He’s gone for the day. 若他只是暂时出去办事,还会回来,则要说:He’s out.
A: May I see Mr. Johnson? 我能见见约翰逊先生吗?
B:I’m sorry, he’s gone for the day. 抱歉,他今天已经走了。
A: Is Jack in? 杰克在吗?
B: No, he’s gone for the day. 不,他今天已经走了。

II 传情达意句


It’s rather dull. 这非常枯燥。
        = It’s rather tedious.
A: Do you think the lecture is interesting? 你认为这个讲座有意思吗?
B: It’s rather dull. 这非常枯燥。
I can’t take it any more. 我已经没法忍受了。
  = I can’t take the strain.
  = I can’t stand it any longer.
I’ve never been satisfied with anything he says or does. 我讨厌他的一言一行。
  ◆I dread seeing him. 我讨厌看见他。
It gave me a real pain in the neck. 这真叫我讨厌。
  = It’s really awful.


What do you mean by saying so? 你这样说是什么意思?
A: What do you mean by saying so? 你这样说是什么意思?
B: Nothing. 没什么意思。
Why are you picking on me? 你为什么老挑我的刺儿?
A: Why are you picking on me? 你为什么老挑我的刺儿?
B: It’s for your own good. 这是为你好。
Don’t pull my leg. 别胡说了。
= Don’t talk stupid!
I’m out of patience with you. 我对你忍无可忍了。
A: I’m out of patience with you. 我对你忍无可忍了。
B: Sorry, I’ll do it better next time. 对不起,我下一次一定做好些。
How can you do such a foolish thing? 你怎么能做这种傻事呢?
A: How can you do such a foolish thing? 你怎么能做这种傻事呢?
B: I’m really awfully sorry. 我真的十分抱歉。
How absurd of you to do that! 你这样做是多么的荒谬啊!
A: How absurd of you to do  that! 你这样做是多么的荒谬啊!
B: Why do you think so? 你为什么这样认为呢?
What a thing to do! 干的什么事儿啊!
A: What a thing to do! 干的什么事儿啊!
B: It’s none of your business. 这不关你的事。
Put yourself in my shoes. 你也站在我的立场上想想。
=Try to see it from my point of view.
=Try to see it my way.
You tricked me. 你在耍我。
◆You pull over me.
Don’t involve me! 别把我卷进去!
◆I don’t want to get involved.
You’re really good for nothing. 你真是一点用都没有。
=You did nothing.


I’m all at sea. 我是一片茫然。
A: I’m all at sea about Professor Black’s lectures. 在布莱克教授的讲座上我是一片茫然。
B: Are you? I like his lectures. 真的吗?我喜欢听他的讲座。
I’m rather pessimistic. 我很悲观。
◆I’m not optimistic at all. 我一点也不乐观。
Don’t get your hopes too high. 不要期望太高。
A: Do you think I can pass the final exam? 我能不能通过期末考试呢?
B: Don’t get your hopes too high. 不要期望太高。
No chance at all. 不可能了。
= Fat chance.
That figures. 果不其然。
A: You failed. 你失败了。
B: That figures. 果不其然。
We’ve had it. 我们无计可施了。
A: Did you finally persuade him to accept it? 你们最后说服他们接受了吗?
B: No, we’ve had it. 没有,我们无计可施了。
It’s the end of the world for me. 对我来说这简直是世界末日。
A: It’s the end of the world for me. Today I’m told I’ve failed three courses. 对我来说这简直是世界末日。今天有人告诉我我三门不及格。
B: Oh, that’s too bad. 呀,那可太糟糕了。
No such luck! 没那么好运气!
A: I believe you will succeed. 我相信你会成功的。
B:No such luck! 没那么好运气!
It can’t be done. 这不行。
A: Can you finish it in a week? 你在一周之内能完成吗?
B: It can’t be done. 这不行。
That’s the way it goes. 实在没有办法。
A: The meeting is canceled because the president is ill. 因为经理生病了,所以会议取消了。
B: That’s the way it goes. 实在没有办法。
Better than nothing. 这样干总比没结果好。
=It won’t get you anywhere.
I’m downhearted. 我感到灰心丧气。
A: I’m downhearted. 我感到灰心丧气。
B: It will work out. 会好起来的。
I don’t feel like doing anything. 我提不起精神做任何事。
= I don’t have any enthusiasm for life.
We’re doomed to lose the game. 我们注定会失败的。
= We’re doomed to fail.
=We’re bound to lose.
I’m on my last legs. 我真是山穷水尽了。
A: God help me! I’m on my last legs. I lost all my money in gambling and my wife left me. 我的天!我真是山穷水尽了。赌博把钱输光了,老婆也离开了我。
B: You deserve it! 你活该!


1. 逛街的冲动
Why don’t we go window-shopping? 我们去逛街好不好?
=Shall we go window-shopping?
◆Let’s go window-shopping! 我们去逛街吧!
Shopping around is really a must. 货比三家绝对有必要。
◆Do shop around before making up your mind. 先货比三家再拿主意。
◆We shop around before buying. 购买之前,我们先比比各家的货。
◆Prices are different, so shop around by all means. 价格都不一样,所以不管怎样先货比三家。
Are we short of tea and coffee? 家里茶叶和咖啡不多了吧?
◆We haven’t got many potatoes. 我们的土豆快吃完了。
◆The next item on the list should be some toilet tissue. 我们需要买一些卫生纸。
◆We need a lot of things this week. 这个星期我们要买许多东西。
A: Are we short of tea and coffee? 家里茶叶和咖啡不多了吧?
B: Oh, yes. We should buy some tea and coffee.

2. 在咨询处
The Information Desk is at the gate, you can make inquiries there. 咨询台在门口那边,你可以去问问。
A: Excuse me, can you direct me to the make-up department? 请问化妆品柜台在哪儿?
B: The Information Desk is at the gate, you can make inquiries there. 咨询台在门口那边,你可以去问问。
Are you open after five in the afternoon? 你们下午5点以后还营业吗?
◆Are you open on weekends? 你们周末营业吗?
A: Are you open after five in the afternoon? 你们下午5点以后还营业吗?
B: We don’t close until 20:00. 我们一直营业到晚上8点钟。
Where is ladies wear? 在哪儿能买到女装?
A: Where is ladies wear? 在哪儿能买到女装?
B: Take the lift to the sixth floor and it’ll be on your right. 乘电梯到6楼,就在右边。
What do you sell on the fifth floor? 请问5层卖什么?
A: What do you sell on the fifth floor? 请问5层卖什么?
B: The household appliance. 家用电器。
Does the elevator stop? 有电梯到吗?
A: Does the elevator stop? 有电梯到吗?
B: Yes. It’s over there. 有。电梯在那边。
Is there a lift here, please? 请问你们有电梯吗?
◆Where is the elevator? 电梯在哪儿?
◆Is there an elevator? 有电梯吗?
A: Is there a lift here, please? 请问你们有电梯吗?
B: Yes,there’s one near the stairs, over there.

3. 选购
Just ask if you want any help. 需要帮助请打招呼。
A: The shop is a feast for the eyes indeed. 你们店实在是琳琅满目,美不胜收。
B: Just ask if you want any help. 需要帮助请打招呼。
I’m just looking around. 我只是看看。
=I’m just looking.
=I’m just browsing.
◆I think you should look around a bit first. 我想你先得看看。
A: Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗?
B: I’m just looking around. 我只是看看。
I’m looking for a purple leather bag. 我想买一种紫色皮包。
A: What are you looking for? 您想买什么?
B: I’m looking for a purple leather bag. 我想买一种紫色皮包。
Any good wine that can be used as a gift? 有没有好点儿的酒?我想送人。
A: Any good wine that can be used as a gift? 有没有好点儿的酒?我想送人。
B: I suppose this bottle of wine will make a nice gift. 我看这瓶葡萄酒作为礼品挺不错的。