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One Breath English (21)|一口气英语(21)

48. It's my treat.

It's my treat.
It's on me.
Let me pay.

Be my guest.
I'm paying.
I got it.

Don't say a word.
It's my pleasure.
Next time you can pay.


(1)  It's my treat. 我请客。
      treat 也可当动词用,表示“请客”,是及物和不及物两用动词:
 【比较】I'm treating. (我请客。)【treat做不及物动词】
            I'm treating you.(我请你。)【treat做及物动词,语气稍强】
(2)  It's on me. 我请客。
      it指“账单”(=bill; check),如果你看到账单,你就可以说:The bill is on me.或    The check is on me.(我来付账。)on有很多意思,在这里作“由……付钱”解。
 【例1】Have another coffee on me. (再来一杯咖啡,我请客。)
 【例2】Let's take a cab. It's on me. (我们坐出租车吧。我出钱。)
(3)  Let me pay. 让我付钱。
 这句话可说成Let me foot the bill.(让我付账。)bill可用check或tab取代,这三 个单词都可当“账单”解。
(4)  Be my guest. 我请客。
 Be my guest.可引申出三个意思:
 ①我请客。(=It's my treat.)
 Don't argue with me. Be my guest. (别和我争。我请客。)
 Let's have dinner. Be my guest. (我们去吃晚餐。我请客。)
 ② 请便。(=Go ahead.)
 A: Can I use your cell phone? (我可以借用你的手机吗?)【cell phone 手机】
 B: Be my guest.(请便。)
 ③ 请不要客气。(=Make yourself at home.)
 My home is your home. Be my guest. (我家就是你家。请不要客气。)
(5)  I'm paying. 我来付钱。
 美国人也常说:I'm paying the bill. (我来付账。)也有人说:I'm paying for it.(我来 支付费用。)【句中的paying,后面省略了money,it是指费用,pay for... 在这里指“支付……的钱”。】
 I'm paying for us. (我们的账我来付。)
(6)  I got it. 我拿到了。
 【比较】I got it. (我买单。)
       I'll get it.【语气较弱,只是表示愿意付钱。】
(7)  Don't say a word. 不要和我争。
你就可以说:Don't say a word. 相当于Don't argue with me. (不要和我争。)   
     【例1】 A: Let's all go Dutch. (我们各付各的。)
                 B: Don't say a word. I'm paying. (不要争。我付钱。)
     【例2】 A: It's dangerous. Don't do it. (那很危险,别去做。)
                 B: Don't say a word. I can do it. (别说了,我做得到。)
(8) It's my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。
     如果更谦虚一点,这句话还可以说成:It's an honor. 或It's an honor for me.
(9) Next time you can pay. 下次你可以付。
     也可说成:Next time I'll let you pay. (下次我会让你付钱。)


A: It's my treat.
B: You're too generous!
     You're very kind!
     I won't argue with you!
A: It's on me.
B: Thanks for the offer.
     I can't let you pay.
     I'm treating you this time.
A: Let me pay.
B: Sorry, I won't let you pay.
     It's not fair.
     Let's just go Dutch.
A: I'm paying.
B: I can't allow that.
    Let's pay together.
    Let's both split the cost.

49.Where do you want to sit?

Where do you want to sit?
Sit wherever you want.
Sit anywhere you want.
I'm not picky.
You call the shots.
Any place is fine with me.
There's a nice spot.
No one will bother us.
We can stay away from the crowd.


(1) Where do you want to sit? 你想坐在哪儿?
Where do you feel like sitting? (你想坐在哪里?)
Where should we sit? (我们应该坐在哪里?)
What's a good place to sit? (坐哪个地方好?)
Where is a nice spot to sit? (坐哪个地方好?)
(2) Sit wherever you want. 坐任何你想要坐的地方。
     这句话也可以说成: Sit wherever you like.(坐任何你喜欢坐的地方。)wherever可     以改成where。
     【比较】Sit wherever. (随便你坐哪里。)【常用】
                 Sit wherever you want.【最常用】
(3) Sit anywhere you like. 坐任何你喜欢坐的地方。
     anywhere 是一个词,不能分开。
     【比较1】 Sit anywhere you like.【正确】
                     Sit any where you like.【错误】
     【比较2】 anywhere 等于in any place或anyplace。
                     Sit in any place you like.【正确】
                     Sit anyplace you like.【正确,较常用】
                     Sit any place you like.【错误】【anyplace作连接词,是一个词,不能写成                     any place。】
(4) I'm not picky. 我不挑剔。
     看到一个人很挑剔,东挑西拣,你就可以说:“Don't be so picky.”(不要那么挑剔。)
      I'm not picky. (我不挑剔。)
      I'm easy to please. (我很好打发。)
(5) You call the shots. 由你决定。
      You call the shots. 源自古时候有钱人开枪打猎,仆人会对主人说:You call the    shots.(你发号施令。)现在常引申为“由你决定。”(=You make the decision.)要注意,shots一定是复数形式。
(6) Any place is fine with me. 我任何地方都可以。
     Any seat is OK with me. (任何位子我都可以。)
     Anywhere is fine with me. (任何地方我都可以。)
     上面的with me 都可以省略。
(7) There's a nice spot. 那儿有个好地方。
     There's a nice place.(那儿有个好地方。)
     There's a nice area.(那儿有个好地方。)
(8) No one will bother us. 没有人会打扰我们。
     也可以加强语气说成:No one will bother us there.(在那里没有人会打扰我们。)
     【比较】No one will bother us.【最常用】(没有人会打扰我们。)
                 No one will disturb us.【较常用】(没有人会打扰我们。)
(9) We can stay away from the crowd. 我们可以避开人多的地方。
     这句话等于We can avoid the crowd.
     【比较】Let's sit away from the crowd.【较常用】(我们离人多的地方远一点坐。)
                 Let's keep away from the crowd.【常用】(我们离开人多的地方。)


A: Where do you want to sit?
B: Let's sit over there.
    Let's sit in the corner.
    Let's sit up front in the middle.
A: Sit where you want.
B: I'll do that.
    I see a good place.
    Please follow me.
A: Sit anywhere you like.
B: Anywhere is OK.
    It's all the same to me.
    I really don't care where I sit.
A: I'm not picky.
B: I know you're not picky.
    You're easy to please.
    You're an easy-going person.