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The World's Top 8 Universities|全球8佳大学排名榜

1. Harvard University
    Harvard University has topped the list, making it the best university in the world.
    It was established in 1636 and was named for its first benefactor1, John Harvard. Harvard was a minister2 who, on his death in 1638, left his library and half his estate3 to the newly established institution4. It is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States.
    Seven presidents of the United States were graduates of Harvard. Its faculty5  has produced 40 Nobel laureates6.

2. University of California, Berkeley
    The university that was born on March 23, 1868-was the product of a merger7 between the College of California (a private institution) and the Agricultural, Mining, and Mechanical8 Arts College.
    Among other things, the university is credited with9 the isolation10 of the human polio virus11 and the discovery of all artificial12 elements heavier than uranium13. Eighteen members of the Berkeley faculty have been awarded Nobel Prizes.

3. Massachusetts14 Institute15 of Technology
    As one of the most famous universities in the world, do you know its founder, William Barton Rogers, never received a degree? In 1853, Rogers moved to Boston, where he enlisted16 the support of the scientific community to create an institution for technical and scientific education. It was largely through his efforts that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was born in 1861.
    The institute now is organized into five Schools-Architecture and Planning, Engineering, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Management, and Science.

4. California Institute of Technology 
    Caltech was established thanks to philanthropist17 Amos Throop. In September 1891, he established Throop University, the forerunner18 to Caltech19. George Ellery Hale became a member of Throop's board of trustees20 in 1907, and envisioned21 to make it a first-class institution. Under his leadership Throop's transformation began. By 1921, Hale had been joined by chemist Arthur Noyes and physicist Robert Millikan. These three men set the school, which by then had been renamed the California Institute of Technology, firmly on its new course.

5. Oxford University
    The University of Oxford is one of the oldest English-speaking universities. Teaching existed at Oxford in some form in 1096 and developed rapidly from 1167.
    Except for St Hilda's—which continues to remain an all-women college-all of Oxford's 39 colleges now admit both men and women.

6. Cambridge University
    Cambridge is the largest university in the United Kingdom (over 100 departments, faculties22 and schools). Its contribution to the world has ranged from the discovery of the mechanism23 of blood circulation24 to the structure of DNA, from the great philosophers25 of the early 15th century to the groundbreaking26 work of its many Nobel Prize winners.

7. Stanford University
    Stanford University was dedicated27 by Leland Stanford and Jane Eliza to their son, Leland Junior. After six years of planning and building, the Stanford University opened on October 1, 1891.
    Stanford followed the German model of providing graduate as well as undergraduate instruction and stressing on research along with teaching. Stanford's current community of scholars includes 17 Nobel laureates and four Pulitzer Prize28  winners.

8. Yale University
    Yale University was founded in 1701 as the Collegiate29 School, in Killingworth, Connecticut30. In 1716 the school moved to New Haven and, with the generous gift by Elihu Yale, a British trader, was renamed Yale College in 1718.
    The University has graduated numerous Nobel Prize laureates and U.S. Presidents, including Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Its $12.7 billion academic endowment31 is the second largest worldwide (behind Harvard University).


1. 哈佛大学

2. 加州大学伯克利分校

3. 麻省理工学院

4. 加州工学院
    加州工学院的创建得益于慈善家阿摩司·斯鲁普。1891年9月,他建立斯鲁普大学 ——加州工学院的前身。1907年,乔治·艾莱利·赫尔成为斯鲁普的董事会成员,他立志要将该校打造为一流大学。在他的领导下斯鲁普开始变革。到1921年,化学家阿瑟·诺伊斯、物理学家罗伯特·米利肯和赫尔一起,三人组建了学校,当时更名为加州工学院,坚实地迈上了新的办学道路。

5. 牛津大学

6. 剑桥大学

7. 斯坦福大学

8. 耶鲁大学


1. benefactor n. 捐助者
2. minister  n. 牧师
3. estate n. 财产,不动产
4. institution n. 社会公共机构
5. faculty n. 全体教员

6. laureate n. (由于艺术与科学上的成就)获奖者
7. merger n. 合并
8. mechanical adj. 机械的
9. credit sb. / sth. with sth. 认为某人/某事具有…
10. isolation  n. 隔离;孤立
11. polio virus脊髓灰质炎(即小儿麻痹症)病毒
12. artificial  adj. 人造的
13. uranium  n. 铀
14. Massachusetts  n. 马萨诸塞州
15. institute  n. 学院
16. enlist  v. 征募
17. philanthropist  n. 慈善家
18. forerunner  n. 先驱,前任
19. Caltech=California Institute of Technology
20. board of trustees 理事会;(大学)董事会 trustee n. 理事
21. envision  v. 预想,想像
22. faculty  n. (大学的)系、科
23. mechanism  n. 机制
24. blood circulation 血液循环
25. philosopher   n. 哲学家
26. groundbreaking  adj. 突破性的
27. dedicate  v. 献给;致力于…
28. Pulitzer Prize普利策奖,纽约市哥伦比亚大学授予的多项目年度大奖,主要授予美国新闻界、文学界和音乐界为公众服务成绩突出和成就卓著者。
29. collegiate  adj. 由不同学院组成的
30. Connecticut  n. (美)康涅狄格州
31. endowment  n. 捐赠