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One Breath English (15)|一口气英语(15)

36. In-flight Service

Could I have a blanket?
Could I have an apple juice?
Could I have a cup of hot water?

I'm not in a hurry.
It's not an emergency.
I can wait.

When do we eat?
When do we arrive?
How long till we get there?

  在飞机上,座椅旁边有个按钮,你只要按一下,空姐就会过来,问道:Did you press the call button? Can I help you?(你有没有按叫人服务的按钮?需要我帮忙吗?)你就可以一口气说这九句话。
(1) Could I have a blanket? 可不可以给我一条毯子?
【比较】Could I have a blanket?(能不能帮我拿条毯子?)
Can I have a blanket?(能不能拿条毯子给我?)【常用】
(2) Could I have an apple juice? 能不能给我一杯苹果汁?
【比较】Could I have an apple juice?【常用】
Could I have a glass of apple juice?【常用,但在飞机上一般不用glass(玻璃杯)】
旅行在外,多喝苹果汁,能够增强免疫力,英文有句谚语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (一天吃一个苹果,就不需要看医生。)
(3) Could I have a cup of hot water? 可不可以给我一杯热开水?
如果你想加柠檬,你可以再说:Could I have a slice of lemon in that?(可不可以替我加一片柠檬在里面?)
I want really hot water.(我要真正的开水。)
I don't want warm water.(我不要温开水。)
Could I have cold water?(可不可以给我冷开水?)
Could I have some ice water?(可不可以给我一些冰水?)
Could I have a water with lots of ice?(可不可以给我一杯加很多冰块的水?)
原则上,water是物质名词,不可数,要用量词表“数”的概念,如“一杯水”是a glass of water。现在,美国人逐渐简化,“一杯水”可以直接说a water,“两杯水”说two waters。tea和coffee也是如此。
(4) I'm not in a hurry. 我不急。
=Take your time.(慢慢来。)
= I'm not pressed for time.(我不急。)
(5) It's not an emergency. 这不是紧急情况。
也可说成:It's not urgent.(不急。)更有礼貌的说法是:It's not that important.(并没有那么重要。)
(6) I can wait. 我可以等。
=I don't mind waiting.(我不介意等一等。)
I have a lot of time.(我时间很多。)
I'm not going anywhere.(我哪儿也不去。)【开玩笑语气】
(7) When do we eat? 我们什么时候吃饭?
What time do we eat?(我们什么时候吃饭?)【最常用】
What time will we be served?(我们什么时候供餐?)【较常用】
When is the mealtime?(什么时候吃饭?)【较常用】
When will we be served?(我们什么时候供餐?)【常用】
(8) When do we arrive? 我们什么时候到达?
When do we get there?(我们什么时候到达?)【较常用】
When will we land?(我们何时降落?)【常用】
What's the arrival time?(我们何时到达?)【较常用】
(9) How long till we get there? 我们还要多久才会到?
How long till we arrive?【最常用】(我们还要多久才会到?)
How many more hours until we arrive?【较常用】(我们还要几个小时才会到?)
How much time left till we get there?【常用】(我们还剩多长时间会到?)
How long till we get there?【较常用】(我们还要多久才会到?)
How much more time to go?【常用】(还要飞多久?)
How much longer do we have?【最常用】(我们还要飞多久?)


A: Could I have a blanket?
B: Of course you can!
   I'll get you one!
   Do you need anything else?
A: Could I have an apple juice?
B: I'm out of apple juice.
   Let me get some more.
   I'll be back in a jiffy.
A: Could I have a cup of hot water?
B: Sure thing!
   Coming right up!
   Is that all?
A: I'm not in a hurry.
B: You're too kind.
   You don't need to say that.
   I can help you right now.

37. Immigration

Here's my passport.
Here's my immigration form.
My return ticket is inside.

I just arrived from China.
I'm here on vacation.
I have a tourist visa.

I'll be in the States for two weeks.
I'll be staying at the Holiday Inn.
Thank you for helping me.


(1) Here's my passport. 这是我的护照。
这句话前面也可以加一句:Hi, officer!(嗨!长官!)再接着说:Here's my passport.(这是我的护照。)或说:This is my passport.(这是我的护照。)
(2) Here's my immigration form. 这是我的入境表。
也有人说:Here's my immigration card.(这是我的入境卡。)
(3) My return ticket is inside. 我的回程机票在里面。
到美国旅行,最好把回程机票夹在护照里,免得别人向你要。如果你把机票和护照放在一起,交给移民局,你就说:Here's my passport and my return ticket. 当然,机票给他看时,也可说:Here's my return ticket.
(4) I just arrived from China. 我刚从中国到这里。
=I just came from China.(我刚从中国来。)
=I just flew in from China.(我刚从中国搭飞机到这里。)
(5) I'm here on vacation. 我来这里度假。
I'm here for a holiday.(我来这里度假。)
I'm here to join a tour.(我来这里参加旅行团。)
I'm here to travel.(我来这里旅行。)
(6) I have a tourist visa. 我有观光签证。
(7) I'll be in the States for two weeks. 我将在美国待两周。
【比较】the States 【最常用】
           the U.S. 【第二常用】
           the U.S.A. 【常用,取自全名的缩写】
           the United States 【常用】
           America 【极少用】
           the United States of America 【极少用】
        美国人不喜欢说America的原因是因为他们强调的重点是“联合、团结”,他们宁可说the United States。而且America还有“美洲”的意思,像北美洲(North America)、中美洲(Central America)和南美洲(South America),很容易混淆。说America还会引起南美洲人的不满。因为他们觉得“美洲”不全是美国人的。
(8) I'll be staying at the Holiday Inn. 我将住在假日酒店。
Holiday Inn(假日饭店),是一家连锁饭店,有的是五星级大饭店,为什么用Inn,不用Hotel呢?inn本来意思是“小旅馆”,用inn让客人感觉到,在大饭店也可享受到小旅馆的轻松悠闲。
【比较】I'll be staying at the Holiday Inn.(我将住在假日饭店。)
        I'll stay at the Holiday Inn.(我将住在假日饭店。)


A: Here's my immigration form.
B: Thanks, I'll take it.
   Let's take a look.
   Everything looks OK.
A: My return ticket is inside.
B: I see it.
   I got it.
   Yes, it's right here.
A: I just arrived from China.
B: Good for you.
   That's a nice place.
   I've heard many good places in China.
A: I'm here on vacation.
B: Enjoy yourself.
   Have a good time.
   See as much as you can.