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Foreign Students Series (3)|外国留学生系列(3)

Part 4: Government rules
  Every foreign student who has been accepted to study in this country must have a legal document called a visa from the United States government. The rules for getting a visa have changed since the terrorist attacks against the United States in 2001. Three of the 19 hijackers1 in the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had student visas.
  The State Department rules for giving permission to foreign students to study in the United States can be found on the State Department Website. The address is unitedstatesvisa.gov. United States visa is all one word. Another State Department Website for students from other countries is educationusa.gov.
  Government officials say that national security2 is the most important issue3 in deciding if a person should be permitted to enter the United States. It takes a longer time than it used to for students to receive permission to enter the country. Officials must see if a student is on any list of people with possible links4 to terrorists.
  The State Department says students are not being examined any more closely5 than other people who want to come to the United States. But students must enter the country before their classes begin. So they should apply for a visa as soon as they can, to permit enough time for approval6.
  The State Department says the place to start is the United States Embassy or diplomatic office in the student's home area. And it says foreign students should apply for visas as soon as they have their documents.
  Foreign students accepted at an American school will receive a document called a Certificate7 of Eligibility8. It permits entrance into the United States to study. The State Department says each student must enter the country using the certificate provided by the school he or she will be attending. It is a violation9 of the law to enter the country on one school's certificate but attend another school.

第4部分: 政府规定
  美国国务院关于允许外国学生到美国学习的有关规定可以在国务院的网站上找到。网址是:unitedstatesvisa.gov. United States visa (美国签证)是合拼在一起的。国务院另一个针对留学生的网站是:educationusa.gov.


1. hijacker   n. 劫持者,劫机者
2. security   n. 安全
3. issue    n. 问题,事情
4. link    n. 连接,链接,关联
5. closely    adv. 严密地,严格地
6. approval   n. 批准
7. certificate  n. 证书
8. eligibility    n. 适合,合格
9. violation  n. 违背,违反