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One Breath English (2)|一口气英语(2)

4. You're doing fine.

  You're doing fine.
  You got it.
  Keep on going.
  That's the way.
  That's how to do it.
  Don't change a thing.
  Keep working hard.
  Keep doing great.
  Keep on doing what you are doing.

(1) You're doing fine.
     这句话是说“你做得很好”。do 在此当作不完全不及物动词,相当于be动词,此时do做“进行”解。do用现在进行时,表示“称赞或责备”。
(2) You got it.
      You got it. 字面意思是“你拿到了”。可引申出很多意思,要看上下文而定。在这里是指“你懂了;你知道该怎么做。” 它还有一个常用的意思是“我同意。” 等于OK。
(3) Keep on going.
    在语法上keep + V-ing 表示“继续做某事,中间不停”,keep on + V-ing 表示“继续做某事,中间有停顿”。
    【比较】   Keep going. (继续努力,不要停。)
                   Keep on going. (继续努力;再接再厉。)
(4) That's the way.
      你的做法对路/头。这句话源自That's the right way to do it.
(5) That's how to do it.
      就这么做。这句话源自That's the way how to do it. 但美国人习惯说That's how to do it.
(6) Don't change a thing.
     称赞别人时,一句话讲完后,可再说Don't change a thing. 来加强。
      例: This is perfect. Don't change a thing.
(7) Keep working hard. 继续努力。
     Keep doing great.  继续好好干。
     Keep on doing what you are doing.   继续做你现在正在做的事情。

5. Let's go.

Let's go.
Let's jet.
Let's get out of here.

Where are you going?
Are you heading home?
Want to get a bite to eat?

I'm hungry.
I could use a snack.
Let's go eat.

(1) Let's jet. 我们走吧。
jet 当动词讲,意思是“喷射”,美国人说Let's jet. 的意思是Let's go. 但语气比较强烈。
(2) Let's get out of here.  我们离开这里吧。
Let's get out of here 要说成 Let's get outta here. 才像是美国人说的话。 outta 是美国口语,意思是out of.
(3) Are you heading home?  你要回家吗?
  head 当动词用是“向……走去”,这句话的意思是“你要回家吗?”等于Are you going home?
(4) Want to get a bite to eat?  要不要去吃点东西?
【比较】 Want to get a bite?  【一般语气】
          Want to get a bite to eat?  【加强语气】
          Do you want to get a bite to eat?  【正式邀请】
(5) I could use a snack.  我有点想吃点心。
     这句话源自If you feel like eating, you could use a snack. 美国人常用could use表示“有点想吃(喝)”。
(6) Let's go eat.  我们去吃吧。
     这句话源自Let's go to eat. 或 Let's go and eat.

A: Let's jet.
B: After you.

A: Let's get out of here.
B: I'm with you.

A: Want to get a bite to eat?
B: Sure.

A: I could use a snack.
B: So could I.

A: Let's go eat.
B: Good idea.

6. Let's grab a bite.

Let's grab a bite.
What do you like?
What do you feel like eating?

You choose.
You decide.
What do you recommend?

How about McDonald's?
It's fast and convenient.
What do you think?

(1) Let's grab a bite.
(2) What do you like?
     这句话表示“你喜欢什么?”也可说成: What would you like? (你要什么?)
(3) What do you feel like eating?  你想要吃什么?
      feel like + V-ing  想要
      这句话也可以说成:What do you feel like having? 或 What do you feel like?
(4) You choose.  你选择
      You decide.  (你决定。)
      What do you recommend?  (你推荐什么?)
(5) How about McDonald's?
     McDonald's [m?藜k?謖d?蘅n?藜ldz] n. 麦当劳(餐厅)
     McDonald's 是McDonald's restaurant的省略。
(6) What do you think?  你认为怎么样?

      我们常常不会说: What do you think? 因为在中国人的思想中,认为“如何”就是英文的 "how"。
      How do you think? 的意思是“你如何思考?”

A: Let's grab a bite.
B: Good. I'm hungry, too.

A: What do you feel like eating?
B: You decide.

A: What do you recommend?
B: Something fast and convenient.

A: How about McDonald's?
B: Good idea.

7.  I'll have a Big Mac.
I'll have a Big Mac.
I'll have a small fries.
And a large Coke, please.

I'd like a milk shake.
Make it strawberry.
That'll be for here.

Can I have extra ketchup?
Can I have more napkins?
Thank you.

(1) I'll have a Big Mac.  我要一个巨无霸汉堡。
      Big Mac [m?覸k]  n. 巨无霸汉堡
      Big Mac 这个词是复合词,重音在Big,是麦当劳自创的词。
      到餐厅吃饭点菜,不是去买东西,所以不能说成:I want to buy a Big Mac. 这句话并没有错,只是表示要外带,不是在餐厅里吃。
(2) I'll have a small fries.  我要一份小薯条。
     fries [fraiz]  n. 薯条
     fries 永远是复数形式,因为薯条不可能光炸一条。如果指定要大、中或小份的薯条,就要加冠词a,像a large fries, a medium fries, a small fries。
(3) And a large Coke, please.  还要一份大杯可口可乐。
(4) I'd like a milk shake.  我要一杯奶昔。
      milk shake是牛奶和不同口味的冰淇淋混在一起的饮料统称,一般人称为“奶昔”。
(5) Make it strawberry.  要草莓口味的。
     这句话源自Make it a strawberry shake.
      I'd like...
      Make it + 关键词.  【是美国人常用的口语句型】
     例: I'd like a Coke.  (我要一杯可口可乐。)
     Make it medium.  (要中杯的。)
(6) That'll be for here.
      That'll be for here.= For here.  要在这里吃。
      如果要外带,就可以说: That's to go.或 To go.
(7) Can I have extra ketchup?  我可以多要一些番茄酱吗?
     ketchup [?謖ket?蘩?藿p]  n. 番茄酱
     ketchup 是不可数名词,原则上不加s, 但是,在麦当劳,番茄酱是小包小包装起来的,所以也可以说成: Can I have extra packets of ketchup?  (我可以多要几包番茄酱吗?)
(8) Can I have more napkins?  我可以多要一些纸巾吗?
     napkin 的主要意思是“餐巾”,现在napkin也可以用纸制造,称作paper napkin或napkin,即使是餐桌上的一个小方块纸巾,都称作napkin。

A: Are you ready to order?
B: Yes, I'll have a Big Mac.

A: Anything else?
B: I'll have a small fries and a large Coke.

A: Is that for here or to go?
B: That'll be for here.

A: What would you like to drink?
B: I'd like a milk shake. Make it strawberry.

8. This is delicious.

Mmmmm. Mmmmm.
This is delicious.
This tastes great!

I love it.
The flavor is awesome.
It's out of this world.

It's mouth-watering.
I can't get enough.
I could eat this all day.

(1)  当美国人吃到好东西,就会发出 “Mmmmm” 的声音。发音时只要嘴巴闭上,用鼻子发音即可。这个字专门用在吃到好吃的东西时。须注意语调,第一个Mmmmm升调    (          ),第二个Mmmmm降调(           )。
(2)  This tastes great!
      这句话字面意思是“这个尝起来很棒!”也就是 “真好吃!”
(3)  I love it.
      love 主要作“爱”解,所谓“爱”,就是“很喜欢”,在这里的I love it. 就是“我很喜欢这道菜。”
(4)  It's out of this world.
      这句话字面意思是“这个在世界之外。”或 “这个东西不属于这个世界。”引申为“太棒了;好得不得了。”等于 It's terrific. 或 It's super.
      特别注意: out of this world 不可说成 out of the world (无此用法)。
(5)  It's mouth-watering.
      mouth-watering  adj. 令人垂涎的
      当你闻到美味佳肴,口水自然分泌出来,中国人说:“令人流口水。”美国人也说:It's mouth-watering.这句话也可说成:It makes my mouth water.
(6)  I can't get enough.
      get 主要意思是“得到”,在这个句中作“吃”解,字面意思是“我怎么吃都不够。”引申为“太好吃了,我欲罢不能。”这句话也可说成:I can't eat enough of this.
(7) I could eat this all day.
     这句话是假设法,是由I wish I could eat this all day.简化而来。字面意思是“但愿我能够整天吃这个东西。”引申为“这个东西太好吃了,我不会吃腻。”