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How much would you pay for that Carrie Underwood1 single? One dollar? Two? How about more than $200,000?
Many people illegally download songs. Currently, people in 7.8 million homes have used file-sharing programs to download music. But downloading music without paying for the songs is stealing. Until recently, people got away with2 it. In October 2007, the recording industry sued Jammie Thomas, 30, from Minnesota, for illegally downloading 24 songs. The recording industry won, and Thomas was ordered to pay $222,000.
Should people be forced to pay huge fines or even be arrested for illegally downloading music? Some say yes. When songs are downloaded illegally, the artist does not receive payment for his or her work. “The case does send a message, I hope, that downloading... is not OK,” says Richard Gabriel, a lawyer for the music companies.
Others believe that regular people should not be forced to pay such large fines. Most people cannot afford the fines. In addition, hackers can use people’s screen names without their knowledge. “My client didn’t do it,” said Brian Toder, Thomas’s lawyer. “Someone used her name.”
Sound off3. Should people be fined for illegally downloading music?

YES! People should be fined for illegally downloading music.
●People should not do things that are illegal, even if it seems as if everyone is doing it.
●Illegally downloading songs takes away money from the artists.
●If people know there is a punishment, they will be less likely to break the law.

No! People should not be fined for illegally downloading music.
●Some people don’t realize the songs they are downloading are copyrighted. The music companies should make the songs impossible to play if they don’t want people to download them.
●If someone’s computer is set up for file sharing, other people can download music without the person’s knowledge. He or she should not have to pay a fine.
●Someone can download music under another person’s screen name.

你会为凯莉·安德伍德的一首单曲花多少钱?一美元?两美元? 如果超过20万美元呢?





1. 凯莉·安德伍德,歌手,2005年第四届“美国偶像”冠军。
2. get away with 逃避惩罚
3. sound off 明确而大胆地说出