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What Do You Want to Be? |长大后究竟该干啥?

As a teen, if someone would have asked me that question I would have said, “I have no clue.” I was still figuring out who I wanted to ask to the junior prom.
But as you near graduation from high-school, it’s time to start thinking about what you want to be when you grow up. I didn’t say figure it out. I said, start thinking about it. Your ultimate goal should be to start building a career or profession, instead of settling for a series of jobs that don’t lead anywhere.
The key is to find your voice, finding your groove2, your position, what you were born to do.
Imagine four circles.
What am I really good at?
This is talent.
  What do I love doing?
This is passion.
  What does the world need that I can get paid to do?
This is need.
  What do I feel I should do? This is conscience.
  The place where these four circles overlap3 represents your voice. Think about them as you start plotting the college you want to attend, the jobs you take, the subject you major in, and so on. Ultimately, you’ll want to build a career that gets your voice.
  All four circles are important. For example, you may love music (passion) and even be good at it (talent), but you’ve also got to figure out a way to make a living from it (need). The chances of becoming a rock star are one in ten thousand, so don’t bet on that. You could, however, earn a living by teaching music or writing music for TV commercials and films.
  In the same way, you don’t want to devote to a career that pays well (need) but doesn’t make you happy (passion) or get into your gifts (talent).
  It may take much longer for you to find your voice. Be patient. I didn’t have a clear direction about what I wanted to do with my life until a few years after college. Here are a few items you might consider to help you find that voice of yours.

  Explore Broadly
“Survey wide fields, but cultivate small ones,” goes the saying. You won’t know if you like something unless you try it. So, while in high-school, take lots of different classes. There are a wide variety of classes to choose from and numerous clubs or teams you can join. Sometimes a single event can ignite4 something in you as it did in Justin.
        One day my dad brought home a 3D architecture5 program, knowing that I have always loved designing things. He told me to install it and have some fun. That was only the beginning. In the seventh grade, my Algebra6 teacher told the class that, for the final project, we would be designing a house. I was ecstatic7. I got to work on it the next day, and finished it one week in advance. I got 99 percent on the assignment. This made me want to design more houses. One day I will be designing and building the tallest skyscraper in the world.
You’ll also want to explore different jobs, when possible. Instead of applying for the same summer job each year, try doing something different.

Watch out for Happy Accident 
When I first tried out for the high school freshman football team, I wanted to be a running back8. But, seeing that we had no quarterback9, Coach Drury made me play quarterback. “Quarterback? What a stupid position!” I thought. To make a long story short, I played quarterback in high-school, and got a scholarship to play quarterback for a big college, where I took a class from a teacher who inspired me to major in English, which led me to write books, which in turn affected my whole career. Had I stuck with running back, I probably wouldn’t have played football in college (I wasn’t fast enough) and probably wouldn’t have met that inspiring teacher and so many other things might not have happened. I’m so glad Coach Drury saw something in me that I didn’t. Happy accident, wouldn’t you say?
  Be on the lookout for a lucky break, an accident, a turn of events, or a person who sees something in you that you don’t see in yourself. So many times, the stumbling block10 you tripped over growing up becomes the building block of your future.

  Think Deeply
  You’d be surprised at how many people end up in dead-end careers because they never really took the time to think about what they wanted to do. What should you think about? You should think about what you really like and hate doing, how much money you want to make, and what kind of lifestyle you want. Perhaps most important, do something you love.
“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.”
How much a person makes and the kind of job they have has nothing to do with their worth. There is dignity in all hard work, whether in high-paying jobs like a doctor or low-paying jobs like a grocery store checker. My point is: a good education gives you options. Most people in low-paying jobs are there not by choice but by default11. They’d prefer a better-paying job but can’t get one because they lack the skills.

  The Power of the Human Mind
  According to a research at Cambridge University, it doesn’t matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Isn’t that amazing! And I always thought slpeling was ipmorantt!
  Your mind truly is a phenomenal12 thing. Don’t waste it. Educate it. After all, what you do with that mass of gray material between your ears is one of the most important decisions you’ll  ever make.  I hope you’ll choose the high road by staying in school, giving it your best effort, and preparing yourself for college and a great career centered on what you were born to do. If you’ve been trudging13 around on the lower road for years, take a detour14 to the higher road today. Sure, you may have some catching up to do, but better late than never!







1. harp   n. 竖琴
2. groove  n. 槽,沟
3. overlap  v. 交叠;重合
4. ignite   v. 点燃
5. architecture   n. 建筑,建筑学
6. algebra   n. 代数
7. ecstatic   adj. 狂喜的
8. running back (橄榄球的)跑卫
9. quarterback   n. (橄榄球的)四分卫
10. stumbling block 绊脚石
11. default   n. 默认
12. phenomenal   adj. 非凡的,异常的
13. trudge   v. 跋涉
14. detour  n. 绕道