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Your Totally Cool, Back-to-School Guide|返校全攻略

Back to Friends

Connecting with friends makes going back to school a blast3. But forging tight bonds can be tricky4. Here gives you some friendly advice:
☆ The situation: Your crew is pushing you to drink or smoke.
    The fix: Be prepared with smart reasons to just say no and use them freely. Find out how many people die from lung cancer each year and tells that your coach won't let you.
☆ The situation: Your best friend has a new friend, and now they're totally ignoring you.
    The fix: Back off5 and give her a chance to realize that she might be losing you.
☆ The situation: You're clueless6 about making new friends.
    The fix: Rehearse7 icebreakers8 on safe topics like the horrific food in the caf?伢. Once someone responds, chat her up, but resist the urge9 to spill your whole life story. Instead, find something to compliment10 her on, like her haircut or her jeans. Everyone loves flattery11!


Back to Teachers

Here are some of the extra things that make teachers tell other faculty members how wonderful you are during their lunchtime gossip sessions. These tactics12  may pay off13  if your grade is in between, and the teacher needs to make that big decision about giving you the higher or lower grade.
☆ Always say a pleasant hello.
☆ If a teacher presents an opportunity for extra credit, go for14 it.
☆ If a teacher has been really helpful, send a note saying how much you appreciate it.
☆ Offer to stay after school to help clean blackboards, shelve15  books, or help straighten up16  the room, if you have time.
☆If you discover that your teacher likes iguanas17, dogs, marigolds18, start a conversation about the subject. But not during class time. You'll get known as a brownnoser19.
☆ Teachers and students alike can't stand tattletales20. Don't rat on21  people unless they're doing something harmful like poking22  each other with scissors or attempting to light a fire in class.

☆ 总是愉快地和老师打招呼。
☆ 如果老师给你机会以示特别信任,一定要全力以赴抓住它。
☆ 如果老师对你的帮助确实很大,给她递上一张纸条,说你非常感激她。
☆ 放学后如果有时间,主动留下来帮老师擦黑板,把书放回书架,或打扫教室。
☆ 如果你发现老师喜欢鬣蜥、狗、万寿菊,就与她谈谈这方面的话题。但不要在课堂上谈论,否则,你会落下溜须拍马的坏名声。
☆ 老师和学生一样不能忍受搬弄是非的人。不要在背后说别人的坏话,除非他们正在做一些很危险的事情,如相互用剪刀戳对方或是企图在课堂上点火。

Back to Stress

With homework, tests, friends, sports, school can be a serious pressure cooker. Here are top five stress-survival strategies:
☆ Get yourself a mantra23.
Positive self-talk or affirmations24  help you focus and create perspective25  in your life. You can post these positive slogans26  in your notebooks, locker, bedroom—even on the bathroom mirror. Like, “I can handle this, I will survive!”
☆ Work it out.
Regular exercise decreases the production of adrenaline27  and counteracts28  the stress response. It also helps build self-esteem and can ease depression.
☆ Feed your body—and your soul.
The right foods can stomp29  stress, so eat stuff that nourishes30  your body and give you energy.
☆ Decorate31  for stress reduction.
Transform your personal space (your locker) into a peaceful place with soothing32  colors and images. Also, clean up now and then—clutter33  is a major source of stress.

☆ 赞美自己。
☆ 积极锻炼。
☆ 正确饮食 (食物养身体,也养心情)。
☆ 做做清洁。

Back to Extra

After-school activities make life more fun—make you a better, more well-round34  person. Here, how to choose and enjoy the best extracurriculars35  for you:

1. Listen to your heart instead of your head.
Don't think about how something will affect your status36  at school or look on a college application. You'll enjoy activities more if you try things you've always dreamed of getting involved in. Your heart will lead you in the right direction. Maybe you've always wanted to try acting, so you're tempted37  to join the drama club. Go for it! Even if you're afraid, the initial38  fear will burn off39.
2. Don't be haunted40 by your past.
It's a whole new year—and you can do anything, even things you might not have excelled at41  before. Maybe you got stronger over the summer. Maybe you had a crummy42  coach the last time you tried. Maybe your sneakers43 were too tight. Think positive and give it another shot.
3. Shake the “shoulds.”
Don't go out for something just because you think you should—say, your parents want you to or all the cool people are doing it.
4. Don't let extracurriculars run your life.
Even if you're interested in a ton of clubs and teams, limit yourself to a few—you can always try a new one next semester.




1. no-brainer  不用动脑筋的事情
2. juggle  v. 同时做(两种以上的活动)
3. blast  n. 令人极兴奋或愉快的经历、事件
4. tricky  adj. 棘手的,需技巧的
5. back off 撤回,离开
6. clueless  adj. 无能的;笨的
7. rehearse v. 排练,练习
8. icebreaker  n. 破冰设备
9. urge  n. 强烈愿望,迫切要求
10. compliment  v. 称赞,恭维
11. flattery  n. 恭维话
12. tactic  n. 手段;策略
13. pay off 使人得益,有报偿
14. go for sth努力获取
15. shelve  v. 置于架子上
16. straighten up 清理
17. iguana  n. [动]鬣蜥(一种产于南美洲和西印度群岛的大蜥蜴)
18. marigold  n. [植]万寿菊, 金盏草
19. brownnoser  n. 拍马屁者
20. tattletale  n. 告密者,搬弄是非的人
21. rat on 背叛,告发
22. poke  v. 刺,戳
23. mantra n. 颂歌
24. affirmation n. 肯定
25. perspective  n. 远景,前途
26. slogan  n. 口号,标语
27. adrenaline  n. 肾上腺素
28. counteract v. 抵消,中和
29. stomp  v. 践踏,踩
30. nourish  v. 滋养,使健壮
31. decorate  v. 装饰,布置
32. soothing adj. 抚慰的,使人宽心的
33. clutter n. 混乱
34. well-round 有多方面能力的
35. extracurricular  adj. 课外的,业余的
36. status  n. 情形,状况
37. tempt  v. 引诱,诱惑
38. initial  adj. 最初的
39. burn off 烧掉,蒸发
40. haunt  v. 时常萦绕心头;使困窘
41. excel at 擅长于(某项活动)
42. crummy  adj. 不愉快的,无用的
43. sneaker  n. 运动鞋