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1.Drink like a fish  豪饮;牛饮
 鱼在水中游时总是张着嘴,以便让水通过鱼鳃以获得氧气。而人们常常误以为鱼是在不断喝水,便用drink like a fish一语来比喻“过量饮酒;豪饮;牛饮”。
He drank like a fish because he had worked for three hours in such a summer day. 他不停地喝水,因为他已经在这样一个大热天里干了3个小时活了。
2.Drop in the bucket/ocean  沧海一粟 
语出《圣经·旧约·以赛亚书》第40章第12节:“看哪,万民都像水桶中的一滴,又如天平上的微尘……”(Behold, the nations are as a drop of the bucket)其喻义为“沧海一粟”。后来该语又产生了一个变体drop in the ocean。
If your father lends us some money it will be very helpful but it will really only be a drop in the ocean when we have to pay all our debts. 你父亲如果借些钱给我们当然很好,但我们要还清所有的债务,这点钱只不过是杯水车薪。
3. Eat the fruit of one's own doings  自食其果
源于《圣经·旧约·以赛亚书》第3章第10节。此节中有如下诗句:“你们要对正义的人说:他必享福乐,因为要吃自己行为所结的果子。”(Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.)现在,人们就用eat the fruit of one's own doings来比喻“自食其果;因果报应”,常含有贬义。
You'd better stop cheating, or you will surely eat the fruit of your own doings one day. 别再欺骗别人了,否则你总有一天会自食其果的。
4. Every dog has his day  人人都有得意之日
源于公元前5世纪古希腊诗人品达罗斯(Pindaros)的《哀悼歌》(Odes of Condolence)中的诗句:人人终有得意时,晨时欢笑夜时悲。(Thus every dog at last will have his day—He who this morning smiled, at night may sorrow.)在西方人看来,狗是人类最好的朋友,人们常用dog一词代指“人”。因而实际上every dog has his day用来比喻“人人皆有出头日;时来运转;风水轮流转”等义。
Mary will be able to go to dance like her sister when she grows up. Every dog has his day. 玛丽长大后也能像她姐姐一样参加舞会,人人都有出头之日。