
A Helpful Rabbit

紫泥小学 越光

  Rabbit was helpful.
 There once lived an old man in a little cottage at the edge of the fores.                                   One day, as he was collecting wood for fire,he heard a crying sound. It was a rabbit caught in a hunter's trap. The kind old man freed the poor animal and it quickly hopped away.                                    one cold night, a young lady knocked on the old man's door. She had lost her way and the old man kindly let her into his cottage. the next day, the lady requested to stay longer and offered to take care of the old man. he agreed.                                   A few days later, the lady sewed a beautiful white coat and gave it to the old man. The old man sold it and bought a lot of things home with the money. Seeing how happy he was, the lady decided to another white coat. But after sewing alone inside a room, she came out tired and pale.                                    The next day, the old man decided to spy on her. He was shocked to find out that she was a white rabbit using its fur to make the coats. The lady then explained to the old man that she was actually the rabbit that he had saved. She wanted to repay his kindness. Now that the old man knew her secret, she had to change back into her own self. the old man sadly released the rabbit back into the woods.            

位置:发表区   年级:小学4 关键字,英语,童话
来源: 字数:1081 投稿日期:2006-6-2 14:34:00 点击:
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