
My favorite season

前山学校六年级 邓素雯

 On a year, have four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. But I only like summer.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  In summer, on such a fine day, sun is shining. We can do something. We can dip in the water. We can take off the overcoat and take on the pants. It’s cool. And we can go to the beach. Look! The women are sitting under the sun umbrella. Children are happy, because they can play in the water. The men are swimming far away. In evening, the weather is cool. Somebody is looking at the television. Bet sometime is rainy cats and dogs. We only stay at home and looking at the television. In summer, we need pants, sun glasses, shirt and umbrella. In summer, the days are long and nights are short, then we should get up early everyday.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  Summer is hot and dry. But I like it very much!  

位置:发表区   年级:小学6 关键字,英语
来源:自创 字数:621 投稿日期:2005-11-26 18:44:00 点击:
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