
The Age of Innocence

新华学校5年级 马钰

  The discovery came to Paulina suddenly.
The Age of Innocence  
  小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
The discovery came to Paulina suddenly.She looked up one evening from her reading and it stood before her like a ghost.It had entered her life with stealthy steps,creeping close before she was aware of it.She sat in the library,among the carefully-tended books and portraits;and it seemed to her what she had been walled alive into a tomb hung with the effigies of dead ideas.She felt a desperate longing to escape into the outer air,where people toiled and loved,and living sympathies went hand in hand.It was the sense of wasted laber that oppressed her;of two lives consumed in that ruthless process that uses generation of effort to build a single cell.There was a dreary parallel between her grandfather's fruitless toil and her own unprofitable sacrifice.Each in turn had kept vigil by a corpse.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn

位置:发表区   年级:小学5 关键字
来源: 字数:687 投稿日期:2005-9-4 17:46:00 点击:
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