

吴仲良实验小学 孤寂的心碎

  秋天来了,天气也凉爽了许多。当然也有的树叶被风吹落了,在空中打着旋儿飞舞,像一只只黄色的蝴蝶从天而降。登高望去,犹如一群的黄莺展翅飞过。秋风扫过,树叶纷纷落下,地上都是落叶,像铺了一层厚厚的金毯。虽然大多数叶子都变得枯黄了,但枫树的叶子却是一片火红,它们同翠绿的青松错落在一起,真是一匹人间少有的锦锻。每逢秋风来领,露水成霜时,树叶脱落了,群花萎缩了,唯有菊花迎风而立,傲霜怒放!秋风把树叶吹的“沙沙”直响,还像一首催眠曲,让小草换上黄色的睡衣安然入睡了。   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  秋雨如雾,无声地飘洒在那空地上,树枝上,淋湿了大地,淋湿了房屋,秋天是多么富有诗情画意!   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  August eight Beginning of Autumn when "Beginning of Autumn" is a lunar calendar festival. Do you know "Beginning of Autumn" meaning of? Do not know I inform you of a bar right away! "Immediately" the character representative starts ", "autumn" represents autumn, come to be to have started autumn , have been just autumn. Autumn has come , the weather has been also nice and cool a lot of.  
  Certainly also some leaf has been blown an assured source of life by wind, before overhead dance in the air being beating the whorl son , come from above like yellow butterfly. Ascend a height being looking for going to , have flown just like a crowd oriole spreads the wings. Autumn wind inswept , leaf has fallen behind numerously and confusedly , has been a fallen leaf on the ground, the image has laid a layer of thick gold carpet. Maple's leaf is that a slice is flaming but although great majority leaves all become withered and yellow, that they strew with the emerald green pine is really exceptional one world brocade together. Leaf has come off , the group has spent an atrophy when autumn wind comes to lead, when the dew ready-made frost,only the chrysanthemum faces the wind but withstands frost immediately, in full bloom! Autumn wind straightens the "rustle" that leaf blows making a sound , has let small grass be changed for yellow nightclothes going to sleep peacefully such as one berceuse. Autumn rain has drifted in that open space , has soaked the earth on the branch, has soaked a building if fog, is silent,  
  autumn is to be rich in a quality suggestive of poetry or painting what!  
  I love autumn!

位置:发表区   年级:小学6 关键字,植物,四季
来源: 字数:1739 投稿日期:2009-4-4 14:22:00 点击:
  阳光花季 点评

推荐3星:[阳光花季]2009-4-6 10:13:48
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-1真糟 退稿
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