
Isle of Dead(中1)

重庆市北碚区解放路西南师范大学实验小学六(2)班张莉琦 400700 HAPPY77

  这是澳大利亚布置的作业这也是我写的英语小说捧捧场!When we reached the middle of the forest, there weren’t any footsteps, Jess stopped, but I must have fainted, my chest hurts…
First look at the island, or isle, it looks absolutely normal! I’m surer that the people disappearing story is a JOKE! But I had wished that there was a mystery to solve or something. The isle looks normal, as I said before…too normal. Jess glared at me in disappointment, “Liqi, look! Now I’m spending my money for an isle that’s even more boring than the ones we’ve visited before!” My face went red, not that I felt angry, I felt embarrassed. But something is just not right. When I first saw the isle, it’s surrounded by mist. That makes people not want to go there, because you think something is going to happen. But that’s just the reason I came here! But now…   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
“Hey Liqi! Come here! Look what I found!” Jess’s voice is trembling, she must be excited. I followed the voice and found Jess, her hands holding a brownish yellow paper. I guess it’s a map, a very old map. ”Looks interesting doesn’t it?” Jess asked. I nodded. “Liqi, come here and look, there is a forest on the east side of the isle, and a large cave on the west. How exciting! Maybe you chose the right place Liqi. I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” I smiled grimly, maybe…maybe…”Wait, Jess. What’s that big red cross for?” I asked.  Jess’s eyes brightened, ”I suppose that’s the place where people hide treasure. That’s what they do on TV!” I wasn’t so sure. “But Jess, The map looks so old! It could be there a hundred years ago!” Jess didn’t argue. How strange, I thought. Then I raised my head to see Jess’s face. Her face was pale, eyes wide open, and mouth trembling. There must be something scary. So I turned to see what it was. I’m expecting that it is a monster of some sort. Uh-uh. Not monsters, it was a lady dressed in a black dress, and a tattooed man. I know why Jess is scared. There is nothing wrong them selves. But they had a evil smile on their faces. And they were fast. When they got more near to us. I saw that the man had a shiny knife hidden in his hands. I grabbed Jess by the hands and ran, I don’t know which direction we ran, but it must be towards the east, because we reached the forest. Jess was a good runner at school, but I’m not. I never ran this fast in my life! I got asthma too! When we reached the middle of the forest, there weren’t any footsteps, Jess stopped, but I must have fainted, my chest hurts…  

位置:发表区   年级:小学6 关键字,我,朋友
来源: 字数:1886 投稿日期:2005-8-19 14:45:00 点击:
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