小学6年级 记叙文阅读指导

Me, Wang Xixi
——Wang Xixi's Diary Novels2

夏天快乐萤火虫呱呱 叶欣灵

  It has been many seconds since the last diary. Remember me? Well, it's Wang Xixi.
  It has been many seconds since the last diary. Remember me? Well, it's Wang Xixi.
  Last time, the clever Wang Xixi led everyone to see A Ying. In fact, her full name is Lu Yanying, who is the "man of the hour" of Class 3, Grade 3, Grade 3, Didi Primary School [please see the composition book of Ah Lian for details].
  I, Wang Xixi, am the monitor of Class 3, Class 3, and I am deeply loved by my teacher, the head teacher Li Yunhui. I am extremely smart and a diamond member of the Appearance Association. Yes, I am a beautiful child representative of Libra [Oh, don't say anything, if you talk too much, your nose will grow].
  I was born in a magical country called Magic Country. My father's name is Wang Xixi, a small boss in selling groceries, and my mother's name is Wang Xixi, a smart math teacher. You guessed it, she is from my school, and she teaches [Miss Li teaches Chinese] in our class. My sister, Wang Xixi, is in Class 5-4 of our school and is good at painting. My younger brother, Wang Xixi, is a three-year-old kid who can't speak clearly [Hey, hey, what are you beating me for? Oh, because Wang xixi, then why did you hit me? Hit my dad. Passerby: "Absolutely biological." 》
  My sister, Wang Xixi, likes to yell at me like this: "Cece." Shout again: "Look, Cece, your painting is too ugly. Is this a banana? I look like socks strung together. Well, it stinks. " I am speechless.
  Mother often shouts, "Wang xixi, come here, the teacher has released the scores." My sister and I came running together, and even my younger brother came running to join in the fun. I couldn't help laughing: "Brother, what are you doing?" You don't take a test. " The younger brother hummed and said, "I … you don't care about me. Just … just like this. " After I ha ha ha, I asked my mother, "Is it me or Sister Xi?"
  Mom said, both of them, oh.
  After the inquiry, I got 99 in math and 93 in Chinese, and I felt good about myself, um.
  Sister, math is 100, 100? One hundred! I'm very surprised, but she's only seventy-three years old in other Chinese, haha, she's serious in partial subjects.
位置:发表区 年级:小学6 关键字:
作文id:894474 来源:原创 字数:2318 投稿日期:2021-11-13 17:01:22 点击:
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