
My Birthday

石碣鎮序伦小学501班 若琪

  On thay day,I usually go hiking and have a picnic.Sometimes I have a birthday party.We eat a big cake.The cake is so yummy.Then we play games.
  Hello,my name is qiqi.My birthday is in fall,it's November 8th.On my birthday,I'm very happy.Because it's usually sunny and cool and I often get many birthday cards.On thay day,I usually go hiking and have a picnic.Sometimes I have a birthday party.We eat a big cake.The cake is so yummy.Then we play games.  
  Oh,my birthday is colourful.What about you?

位置:发表区   年级:小学5 关键字,话题作文
来源: 字数:295 投稿日期:2008-5-13 20:09:00 点击:
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推荐3星:[涵儿]2008-5-13 20:11:27
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-1真糟 退稿