初中2年级 记叙文阅读指导

New year

杨浦区凯慧中学初一(4)班 徐懿森

  Dopamine comfortable!How comfortable!The Spring Festival, my happy holiday, I look forward to the Spring Festival and I always go hand in hand.
Happy Chinese New Year Let me the most happy thing, the Spring Festival is, of course, shooting!I love shooting in particular, and my favorite is rust-worn gears flaking cannon!Shooting is too fun.The voice of the shooting Really exciting.Class in the barrel of the gun, only rust-worn gears flaking gun at ease, match crackers, two characters, childish, young children playing, artillery, dangerous classes, slightly do not pay attention to, there is danger.
Dopamine comfortable!How comfortable!The Spring Festival, my happy holiday, I look farward to the real new year till sheep year.Happy New Year!

位置:发表区 年级:初中2 关键字:,英语
作文id:796216 来源:原创 字数:512 投稿日期:2015-1-1 20:44:00 点击:
  SKY少羽 点评

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