
Great Wall tops new Seven Wonders


  Great Wall tops new Seven Wonders长城名列"世界新七大奇迹"之首今年一月,瑞士一个民间组织发起了一项面向全球的"世界新七大奇迹"评选活动.长城名列"世界新七大奇迹"之首用英语写的哦,请多多点评,不好之处请原谅或给我留言,我会去看哦!
  The Great Wall is at the top of the list of the new Seven Wonders of the World.  
  A Swiss organization started a vote around the world in January this year.It was to choose the new top Seven Wonders.they got nearly 100 million votes before they had the result.The vote was the ides of the Swiss filmmaker and museum manager Bernard Weber.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  Now we have got the result.What is it?China's Great Wall is followed by the pink-coloured ruins of Petra in Jorden,the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro,the ruins of Machu Picchu in Pru,the Mayan city of Coliseum in Rome and the Taj Mahal in India.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  "The value of a world heritage site should not be decided by online voting.Their value are what they mean to men,"said an Internet user.  
  However,China Great Wall Society welcomes the result .They think Great Wall's name on the list can help them protect the Great Wall better.are,for,the,work,the,oranizers,they,thankful,done,by.They welcome friends from acorss the world to experience the 'eternity and greatness"of the Great Wall.  

位置:发表区   年级:初中2 关键字,英语
来源: 字数:877 投稿日期:2007-11-28 13:14:00 点击:
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