
In Special Road

大新县桃城第一中学072班黄珊瑶 黄瑶瑶

  He built a special road for them. He had many flowers planted on both sides of the road.
  In a school there is a team of blind children . They have great difficulties in crossing the road . One day , the headmaster had a good idea . He built a special road for them . He had many flowers planted  on both sides of the road .They give off a fragrant smell . Every day , the children come to school in a line along the smell . Now , they live a happy and colourful life .

位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,英语
来源: 字数:298 投稿日期:2008-1-14 13:19:00 点击:
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推荐发表:[我是妮妮]2008-1-14 13:31:23
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