
A gifted children primary school life NO.1


  My mother said that my IQ is only 76.
My mother said that my IQ is only 76. My intelligence on the high, and I don't know. I only know that I am a man of great damage, a lot of people because of I but is hurt, they have of life lost hope, some even suicide. So I always doubt I have latent super ability, but this kind of super ability and somehow to my teacher function you2 qiang2.  
I still remember the first because I and sacrifice of the teacher. At that time I was in primary school, grade one teacher took us to the field for natural practice class. See the spring breeze blows green willow branches, smoke, teacher couldn't help thinking of a problem, then ask a way: "the classmates, you know how to identify the wind?" "I know!" Classmate of a little girl answer side side picked up from the floor to the air behind one of the leaves to "pick up a piece of things, into the air, see it into a floating go over there, not to know?" "Well, it's very good." The teacher praised, "that what students are willing to give you a demonstration, look at what the wind blow now?" "I am." I offered to go out and picked up from the floor and a half to the air behind a brick to…… "Report teacher, now the wind is on!!!!!" lee ………… . Composition nets www.zww.cn arriving   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
I don't remember clearly the teacher expression at that time is what appearance, I only remember he desperately struggled for a few times did a herring. Later in the hospital doctors, according to say he is due to intense stimulation is suddenly lead to blood run amok and retrograde death. So, I put a people's teacher. The small lotus composition nets www.zww.cn   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
A grade teacher teach our understanding poultry animals.  
Teacher: "there is a kind of animal two feet, every morning the sun grandfather came out, it will wake you up and call to you, get up, is which kind of animal?" My answer: "mother!" Smile the teacher have to almost break spirit!  
The mid-term exam after coming home, mother asked me to take what the baby son said, I will not fill out a problem, mother asked what problem? Baby son say: have a question asked three times and how much I had to fill in the 15 willy-nilly. My mom had just drink water spray to my dad face, ah… . I was really great!  
My father ask my school? Baby son "asked his father," you of the satisfaction of female teacher you? "  
"Ah, yes, dad, very satisfied."  
"How do you know? Is she has to you?"  
"Of course, dad. The day before yesterday she said to me: 'if all the students like you, I'll leave the school!" this shows that I have all learned." My dad brain right now! @ # $# @!!!!! $% $# @ @  
One day in math, the teacher ask 1 + 1 =? , I say not to know. The teacher asked me to go home to ask. I asked my mother, my mother was cooking, told me to get out. I asked my dad, dad to the ball, Shouting 'great'. I asked my sister, the elder sister is sing a song to the BABY. I asked my brother, brother in a phone call, said; I'm waiting for you outside.  
The next day, the teacher asked 1 + 1 =? I say; You give me to get out, the teacher give me a box on the ear, I shouted great, the teacher scolded me for nothing, I mean the scold. The teacher said; Roll. I say; I'm waiting for you outside. Our mathematics teacher on the spot high blood pressure and made, faint… . .  
Then the school changed a teacher asked us to sentence-constructing, I finish the homework to my teacher take is sit up and take notice I write the sentence is:  
Sad-our family front of the ditch is very sad.  
If-can the juice rich in nutrition.  
Innocent-it's so hot today, is swimming the good old days.  
Very-the younger sister's mathematics test very only, shame on you.  
Easy-I do things, all is first from easy to start to do.  
The ginseng, teacher says tomorrow everyone to join brigade relay, be sure to try our best.  
Let us-the shit as xiao Ming every morning the first thing to do.  
The teacher touched my head severe said: come home from school 10 pieces dmitri trenin, I return to no one at home, I'm going to finish substitute teacher the assignment, the toilet with started to dung, I put the bathroom wall with ten whole article is happy with my homework to quit. His family returned to scolded, the second day my mom looking for President against substitute teacher, then according to substitute teacher be fired. Ah…… My mental state to himself said: "I am long very creative, ugly and not my intention to god, don't lose your temper, I would brave of live bottom to go to, set off world of beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!"  
One morning in class, I chewing bubble gum, keeping your feet on the aisle.  
At this moment, the teacher said to me: please put your mouth spit it out, again something your foot I stretch into the brain: @ $# $% # $#  
After some time, successively and several teachers were unfortunate not out, so that the lives, there would be no tong much LouZi. But my reputation is also became a city walk, at that time of celebrity. However, the person also has a person's pain and sufferings, I deeply realized this.
位置:发表区   年级:初中2 关键字,英语
来源: 字数:4206 投稿日期:2011-7-13 13:12:00 点击:
  冰幻樱颍 点评

推荐3星:[冰幻樱颍]2011-7-13 13:19:15
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