
My room

丹阳实验中学 冷月纤纤

  MY ROOM,我的卧室哦!吼——吼——吼,嗝!
  This is my room .Look! This is my bookcase,those are my books, they're in the bookcase. This is my desk. The notebook and the pen are on it. This is my chair, my hat and my comeput game are on the chair. Where are the bed? Ha,ha,look! That is my bed. The baseballs are on the bed. Where are the basketball and soccerball? Oh, I don't have they, so I don"t know.  
  I like my room!
位置:发表区   年级:小学3 关键字,英语
来源: 字数:307 投稿日期:2011-1-3 17:16:00 点击:
  黑色魔之翼 点评

推荐2星:[黑色魔之翼]2011-1-3 19:06:12
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