

芜湖安师大附外初一八班 撕碎的幸福

  I theink you will like my dream home
 My dream home is over the Changjiang river. There are at least thirty large room in it. There are ten rooms on the ground floor ,they are all dining rooms , there are at least a hundred stduents can have dinner with me at the same time. And I have my own bedroom ,bathroom and computer room in the first floor. There are on other rooms in the first floor. In the second floor ,there are a big playground there ,All my friends can play basketball with in there .  
 On the third floor,there is a very large room which has twenty showers and fifteen baths ,I think mang people can have a bath at the same time.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
 I theink you will like my dream home
位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字dreamhome
来源: 字数:517 投稿日期:2011-3-7 19:36:00 点击:
  高思琪 点评

推荐3星:[高思琪]2011-3-7 20:40:13
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