

北斗七星的美丽~! 北斗星七

  I will be an English teacher.I think it is a really interesting job.And I hope to be a good English teacher.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  If I become a teacher,I will work with students.Because I love students.So I will be very happy!   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  If I am a teacher,I will be lawyer.So,I want to help some people.  
  But now,I will study hard to realize my dream.  
  I want to be a writer.Because I love writing.And I think .I do well in writing.In the future,I can do it better.  
  When I was sad.I can write my mood.  
  When I was happy.I cloud write my mood.  
  When I was terrible.I write my mood.  
  I think writing is my best friend.I love writing.

位置:发表区   年级:小学1 关键字,英语
来源: 字数:489 投稿日期:2010-8-19 13:09:00 点击:

推荐3星:[陆不凡]2010-8-19 13:10:04
+2收藏 精品
+1还行 发表
-1真糟 退稿
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