
My first sleepover第一次在朋友家过夜

西安西一路小学一年级一班 含芝

  Last fall, I had my first sleepover. I slept over at my friend Steve’s hosue. It was so much fun! 去年秋天,我第一次在朋友家过夜。我在朋友史蒂夫家睡觉,真有趣!
  Last fall, I had my first sleepover. I slept over at my friend Steve’s hosue. It was so much fun!   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  去年秋天,我第一次在朋友家过夜。我在朋友史蒂夫家睡觉,真有趣!   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  “Jim, here is your sleeping bag. Have fun!” “See you tomorrow, Mom.”  
  “Hi, Jim! Let’s ride on our rollerbrades.” “OK, Steve! Let’s ride on the sidewalk.”  
  “Hey! Watch me turn around!” “Yeah! Watch me jump!”  
  Later, Steve’s mom called us into the house. “Come in! Time to eat pizza!” “This is really yummy!”  
  After we ate pizza, we played the computer game, too. “Come on! Come on!”  
  “Now, it is time to sleep. Let me turn off the lights. Don’t stay up and talk. You will be tired tomorrow. Good night!”  
  “Good night!” But we coundn’t sleep. We giggled! And giggled! And giggled, again!  
  “Shh! This time, go to sleep! Good night!” “OK. Good night!”  
  We felt very tired! But suddenly, we heard a strange sound by the closet! “What was that?”  
  We were scared. We heard the sound, again! “Ooh!”  
  “There might be a monster in the closet!”  
  “Oh, no!” My friend pulled his blanket over his head. I pulled my blanket over my head, too.  
  “Did you hear that sound, again?” “I’m scared! I want my mommy!”  
  He did not want to look! But soon, it was quiet. So, I peeked out from under the covers.  
  “Guess what? It is just your guinea pig!” It got out of its cage.  
  We both laughed! But soon, we both snored!  
  The next morning, my mom came to pick me up. “Was it fun?” “Terrific! Mom, can I invite Steve to sleep over at my house, next weekend?” “Yes, you can.” “Thank you, Mom.”  
              含芝 据英语FLASH翻译  
位置:发表区   年级:小学1 关键字,记一件事
作文id:660865 来源:原创 字数:1692 投稿日期:2012-3-16 18:05:00 点击:
  猫小柠 点评

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