
A queer story

你是不是和我一样。心里有个遗憾。 VAMPIRE13

  The night of 1969. Nick and I were in the lab, about to make a baby.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
     小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  “Dads?” A woman popped out of nowhere.  
  Alerted. “How’d you get in? Leave, now!.”  
  “I’m from the future.”  
  “Ridiculous!” I said. “You psycho.”  
  She fiddled with our cultivation vessels. “Andrew, I came not to argue, but borrow money; America is having hard times.”  
  “Yeah right,” I chuckled, “Nixon will find a way.”  
  “Bush had his turn and Obama promised a better Economy but there’s no progress.”  
  Bush what? Obama who? “Yeah. Yeah. I ain’t giving you nothin. Go cheat money elsewhere.”  
  “It’s okay. Glad to meet you, Nick. Andrew told me my other dad died before I was one. You’re even cuter than I imagined.” She winked slyly.  
  Nick turned pale.  
  Two years later when our baby turned one, Nick yelled “In your face! I aint dead yet!”  
  “Kidding!” was her first word.  
  By phoebe  
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作文id:670196 来源:原创 字数:696 投稿日期:2012-4-30 20:12:00 点击:
  美少女甜甜 点评
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