

[”终免不了曲终人散的伤感…….“]…。、-﹏≯◆」 兔兔

  The small white rabbit  
  小白兔   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  My home have little white rabbit. It has two long ears. And a short tail, it has agile limbs.我家有只小白兔。它有两只长长的耳朵。和一条短短的尾巴,它有灵活的四肢。  
  My little white rabbit called beibei, another one called the baby. Together is the baby. I liked them very much.我家的小白兔叫贝贝,另外一只叫宝宝。合起来就是宝贝。我非常喜欢它们。  
They eat more lovely, sometimes rob to eat, sometimes by another rabbit eat off the grass, and the other a rabbit will and the rabbit came to blows. The small white rabbit sleeping is cute. They sleep on the sofa. Sometimes sleep lie on the ground. Really pretty and lovely.它们吃东西时更可爱了,有时会抢着吃,有时被另一只兔子吃关了草,另一只兔子就会和这只兔子打起架来。小白兔睡觉更是可爱了。它们趴在沙发上睡。有时趴在地上睡。真的很可爱很可爱。  
  The small white rabbit is still very love clean! It will give oneself "bath", if you pick up it in the first two foot on put on face, lick hand. And up and down and touch,。小白兔还很爱干净呢!它会给自己“洗澡”,如果你捡它用前两只脚抹抹脸,舔舔手。又会浑身上下的乱动,这就表示小白兔在洗完澡啦!  
  this means that the small white rabbit in the shower!My favorite animal ?我最喜欢的动物就是小白兔,小白兔给我的生活增添了乐趣,我真喜欢小白兔啊!  
位置:发表区   年级:小学5 关键字,记一件事,英语
作文id:714498 来源:原创 字数:864 投稿日期:2013-2-9 13:33:00 点击:
  夏珞 点评

推荐3星:[夏珞]2013-2-9 13:37:55
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+1还行 发表
-1真糟 退稿
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