
Keep Well Day健康日

西安西一路小学一年级一班 含芝

  At South County school, doctors from all around town to Keep Well Day. Wow! What a crowd!  
  在南部县一所学校的健康日那天,城里的医生都来学校了。哇,那儿的人真多呀!   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  The doctors met all of the students. They checked to see that they took good care of their bodies. How busy the doctors were!   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  Dr. Carr is an ear doctor. He found out how well the students can hear. He used a machine that makes low and high sound.  
  “Can you hear the low sounds?” Dr. Carr asked. “How about the high sounds?” He wrote what each student said.  
  Dr. Chow is an eye doctor. She found out how well the students see. They read a chart with rows of big and small letters.  
  “Call out the letters in the top row,” Dr. Chow said. “How about the next row? How about the row after that?”  
  Dr Brown is a dentist. He checked each student’s teeth. “Open your mouth wide,” he said. He looked all around each mouth.  
  Dr Brown found eight cavities in one mouth. How about that! “Keep candy out of your house!” Dr. Brown said.  
  Dr. Powers is a family doctor. She found out how healthy the students were. First she checked how much they weighed.  
  Then Dr. Powers listened to the sounds of their hearts. She counted the numbers of beats. She took down the amount.  
  The doctors’ tests were over. Then they spoke to the crowd. They told the students how to take care of their bodies.  
  “Do not stick any small objects in your ears,” said Dr. Carr. “Wash the dirt out every day. Keep your ears very clean.”  
  “If you can’t see well, tell someone about it,” said Dr. Chow. “Don’t play around with your eyes.”  
位置:发表区   年级:小学4 关键字,材料作文
作文id:683004 来源:原创 字数:1679 投稿日期:2012-7-8 21:22:00 点击:
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