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Vocab list # 6 "May the roots be with you" A mixture of Greek and latin.

[VAMPIRE13] 2008-10-1 5:31:42

Jinglu Sun.

2nd period.

Vocab list # 6 “May the roots be with you.


  1. Gratify (grac) [verb] : to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need. 

Grat = pleasure, thankful, goodwill, joy

    1. Gratuity [noun] : a sum of money given as a reward for a service.
    2. Gracious [adj] : behaving in a pleasant polite, calm way.
  1. Mortal (mor, mori) [adj] : unable to continue living forever; having to die.

Mort = death

    1. mortician [noun] : a person whose job is to prepare dead bodies that are going to be buried or burned and to organize funerals.
    2. Mortuary [noun] : a building, or a room in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept so that they can be examined before the funeral.
  1. deduce (duct) [verb] : to reach an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts.

Duce = lead, bring, take

    1. inducement [noun] :  an act or thing that is intended to persuade someone or something.
    2. Conduct [verb] : to organize and perform a particular activity.
  1. current (cur, curs) [noun] : a movement of water, air or electricity, in a particular direction.

Curr = to run

    1. Concur [verb] : to agree with someone or having the same opinion as someone else.
    2. Precursor [noun] : something which happened or existed before another thing, especially if it either developed into it or had an influence on it.
  1. graduate (gred, gress) [verb] : person who has a first degree from a university or college.

Grad = step, go

    1. progress [noun] : advancement to an improved or more developed state, or to a forward position.
    2. grade [noun] : a level of quality, size, importance etc.
  1. contact (tang) [noun] : communication with someone, especially by speaking or writing to them regularly. 

Tact = touch

    1. tactile [adj] : related to touch. Pleasant or attractive to touch.
    2. Intangible [adj] : an intangible feeling or quality exists but you cannot describe it exactly or prove it.
  1. eject (jac, jec)  [verb] : to force someone to leave a particular place.

Ject = throw

    1. inject [verb] : to use a needle and syringe to put a liquid such as a drug into a person’s body.
    2. interject [verb] : to say something while another person is speaking, to interrupt.
  1. invert (vers) [verb] : to turn something upside down or change the order of two things.

Vert = turn

    1. versatile [adj] : able to change easily from one activity to another or be able to be used for many different purposes.
    2. controversy [noun] : a lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it affects or is important to many people.
  1. emit (miss) [verb] : to send out a beam, noise, smell or gas.

Mit = send

    1. intermittent [adj] : not happening regularly or continuously.
    2. missile [noun] : a flying weapon which has its own engine so that it can travel a long distance before exploding at the place that it has been aimed at.
  1. novel [noun] : a long printed story about imaginary characters and events.

Nov = new

    1. renovate [verb] : to repair and improve something, especially a building.
    2. Novice [noun] : a person who is not experienced in a job or situation.
  1. placebo (plais) [noun] : a substance given to someone who is told that it is a particular medicine, either to make them feel as if they are getting better or to compare the effect of the particular medicine when given to others.

Place = please

    1. placid [adj] : having a calm appearance or characteristics.
    2. placate [verb] : to stop someone from feeling angry.