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评点:Vacation《1》(BOSSA) 会员须知
SWEET懂得(来自 115.52.229.*)于 2016-9-30 17:18:59   
BOSSA 于 2016-10-1 12:41:00回复如下: (奖给发言者 5)
COTECH(来自 111.41.11.*)于 2016-7-18 17:12:06   
没细读,不过you lost children是什么鬼...
BOSSA 于 2016-7-21 12:01:00回复如下: (奖给发言者 5)
呵呵,you lost,children? 以前的,都写的有些乱。
XUANXUELL(来自 125.88.253.*)于 2014-7-24 19:16:02   
BOSSA 于 2014-7-24 22:00:00回复如下: (奖给发言者 5)
逸予尊洋(来自 221.5.4.*)于 2014-7-20 12:40:14   
BOSSA 于 2014-7-20 13:12:00回复如下: (奖给发言者 )
逸予尊洋(来自 221.5.4.*)于 2014-7-20 12:36:18   
This July, my family and I went to Guangzhou on vacation together. We took the bus for more than ten hours. We live in my uncle’s home. One day, I went to a bookstore to buy books. When I came out, I realized that I got lost. I rushed to the door of the bookshop.The shopkeepers seemed to understand that I got lost, enthusiastically came over and said to me," Are you lost? Where is your home? I can take you home."I looked at the shopkeeper very touched. I finally got home with the help of him. I said to him," thank you for the help. "The owner said," Don’t mention it. "Then he left.  
Today I feel important to help each other between people. I also feel the enthusiasm of the people in Guangzhou.
BOSSA 于 2014-7-20 13:12:00回复如下: (奖给发言者 5)
绝代风华(来自 182.111.85.*)于 2014-7-18 14:00:47   
【 We live in my uncle’s house.】我觉得改为【 We live in my uncle’s home.】
【you lost children】迷路应该用get lost,别让人认为你丢了孩子了。
【I rushed to the door at the bookshop.】迷路了你还用冲?我以前迷路时都是留在原地。
【Where is your family?】改为【Where’s your home?】可能更好。
【 my family and I went to guangzhou on vacation together.】要大写首字母。
【thank you for the owner.】要大写首字母。
【 I also felt the guangdong people’s enthusiasm.】不是广州吗?

BOSSA 于 2014-7-18 20:00:00回复如下: (奖给发言者 5)
紫逸晨星(来自 1.204.6.*)于 2014-7-18 13:11:58   
BOSSA 于 2014-7-18 20:01:00回复如下: (奖给发言者 5)
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