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Fear Factor1|恐惧因素

1. Cornered2 by a King Cobra3!
Photographers who shoot for the National Geographic Society often face scary4 situations and challenging conditions in pursuit of the perfect image. For example, an encounter with a king cobra in Thailand was an exciting challenge for photographer Mattias Klum.
  “It was the angriest snake I’d ever seen. The king cobra, star of a village street show, was a fighter in the traditional‘sport’ of king cobra boxing. King cobras are teased5 and provoked6 by their keepers until the snakes strike out at almost anything.
“The people who do this don’t think they’re being cruel. They believe they’re in tune with their religion’s spirits. And even though I wasn’t teasing this snake—I was just standing there photographing the action—I was in quite a bit of danger.
  “This ten-foot-long king cobra, whose bite contains a startling amount of deadly neurotoxin7, was suddenly distracted8 by my movement.
He reached out to strike me, but got my camera instead.” Good thing. Venom9 in a single bite can kill an elephant!

2. Fighting Flames!
      Facing wildfires is a passion for photographer Mark Thiessen, whose years of experience allow him to get close to firefighters in battle.
“Even though fire is very dangerous, I’ve usually felt safe shooting firefighters at work. But sometimes things happen that nobody can control—like wind.
“I was shooting some firefighters who were using controlled burning10 to keep a 100-acre wildfire from spreading. All of a sudden the wind changed direction and the flames started roaring toward us.
“I was standing waist-high in the middle of some dry bush shooting pictures when I heard the fireman’s radio squawk11, ‘You guys get out of there, and get that photographer out of there!’ I just bolted12. I didn’t have time to be scared. I only had time to run. I hopped13 over a barbed14 wire fence and crossed a ditch.
  “When I got to safety and looked back to where I’d been standing, all the dry bush was gone. The fire had crashed in like a tidal wave15 and taken everything—and it would have taken me, too.”

3. Face-off16 with a Charging17 Elephant!
Forest elephants in this area are not used to photographers. They are, however, used to hunters. So humans make them nervous.
“The situation seen in this photo—a charging elephant—was my own fault. I really don’t like making pictures like this. I don’t want to portray animals as aggressive18 when they’re only reacting to my behavior.
“I was goofing19 around, walking along the edge of a clearing20. The elephants were spooked21 by my scent. While an older female guarded the baby, the younger female rushed up to scare me away. She stopped 15 yards away; she’d made her point22.
“I never felt I was in danger—from her. But walking back to camp that night was another story. I picked my way23 through the forest in near total darkness, since flashlight beams bobbing24 around can anger elephants already suspicious of humans. I knew they were nearby; I heard crashing and trumpeting sounds through the trees all around me. I just had to hope I wasn’t going to invade any elephant’s space hiking25 home.” Luckily he made it back all right.

4. Attacked by a Huge Squid26!
That squid was so strong it could swim away with two people, one scientist warned photographer Brian Skerry.
“It was after midnight, and I was 100 feet below the surface of the sea. I had to dive in total darkness because light frightens night-feeding creatures there.
“Out of the shadows came the big, glowing eye of a real live sea monster, the Humboldt squid. It can grow to seven feet long and weigh 100 pounds. It has a strong beak27 like a parrot’s. Its eight arms are covered with sucker disks28 lined with 24,000 sharp little teeth.
“These squids move so fast you never know where they’ll go next. Sometimes these meat-eaters came after me aggressively. I could feel the teeth on their tentacles29 biting into my wet suit. Once a tentacle even tried to snatch my camera, but I jammed30 the equipment back out at the squid and it finally let go.
“I had some fears about getting into the water with the Humboldts, but I went ahead cautiously and got my photos. Very few people ever swam with these monsters.”

5. In the Path of a Twister31!
Cameras picked up by this tornado resulted in the first photos ever made from inside a twister. Placing equipment in the funnel32 cloud’s path took nerves33 of steel.
“I spent three years trying to get photographs of the inside of a tornado. Finally, success! This big twister formed 60 seconds after I’d put my equipment in place to shoot a storm.
“My cameras were inside a 90-pound metal casing, which blew away as if it were a piece of paper. So did an entire farmhouse nearby. (Luckily, the family living there was away.) I could hear trees breaking in the roaring wind. All kinds of stuff were flying through the air. But I was concentrating so hard on my work I didn’t think about being frightened. The weather scientists with me kept yelling at me. I was the last one to get into the car, and we sped away from the tornado in the nick of time34!”
                            (From National Geographic Kids)

1. 险遭眼镜蛇王毒噬!
2. 与烈焰搏斗!

3. 与气势汹汹的大象对峙!
“这张照片所记录的情形—— 一头气势汹汹的大象——是我的过错。我真的不喜欢拍摄这样的照片。有时动物只是本能地对我的行为做出反应,我不想因此而把它们表现为富于侵略性。

4. 遭巨大乌贼攻击!

5. 与龙卷风亲密接触!


1. Fear Factor 原为美国广播公司的一个真人秀节目
2. corner   v. 逼入困境(绝境)
3. cobra   n. 眼镜蛇
4. scary   adj. 可怕的,引起恐惧的
5. tease  v. 挑逗
6. provoke  v. 挑衅,激怒
7. neurotoxin   n. 神经毒素
8. distract   v. 分散注意力
9. venom  n. 蛇的毒液
10. controlled burning 计划烧除
11. squawk   n. 粗厉的叫声
12. bolt    v. 逃走,惊跑
13. hop   v. 单脚跳
14. barbed   adj. 有刺的
15. tidal wave 海啸
16. face-off 对峙,敌对
17. charge   v. 攻击,冲锋
18. aggressive  adj. 侵略的,攻击的
19. goof    v. 闲荡,打发时间
20. clearing   ] n. 空旷地
21. spook   v. 惊吓
22. make one’s point有说服力地阐述自己的观点
23. pick one’s way 行路谨慎
24. bob   v. 上下摆动
25. hike [haik] n. 徒步旅行,步行
26. squid [skwid] n. 乌贼
27. beak  n. 鸟嘴,喙
28. sucker disk 动物的吸盘
29. tentacle   n. 触须,触角
30. jam   v. 猛压(推、戳)
31. twister   n. 龙卷风
32. funnel   n. 漏斗
33. nerve   n. 勇气
34. in the nick of time 正当紧要关头,正及时