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Will Hillary Be Next US President?|希拉里会是下一任美国总统吗?

Will a Woman be US President?
Back in 1969, US President Richard Nixon predicted: “In the next 50 years, we shall see a woman president.”
Today, the United States is looking at the possibility that Hillary Rodham Clinton will be that president. The wife of former president Bill Clinton is busy getting support to be the US’ first female president ever.
And she is not too far from her goal. A US poll1 found that 86 percent of Americans feel comfortable with2 the idea of a female president. And they feel Hillary would do a good job.
    There are many Hillary Rodham Clintons. There’s the experienced lawyer, the best-selling author, and the first US First Lady to be elected to the United States Senate.
Now the wife of former president Bill Clinton is getting support to run for president in 2008. And perhaps she will become the first female US president.
“I’m in to win. We will make history and remake our future,” she announced. “We can only break barriers if we dare to face up to3 them.”
Born in Oct. 1947, Hillary’s childhood was happy and disciplined4. Her parents encouraged her to take up anything that interested her, but took a firm line with5 her as well.
When young Hillary returned home from school with straight A’s, her father remarked that it must be an easy school. The girl once ran back home crying after a bully had hit her at school, but her mother wouldn’t let her in. “There is no room in this house for cowards,” said her mother.
   A little older, young Hillary put all of her energy into politics. As a student leader, she discussed political issues with friends and researched social problems.
   In 1969, Hillary entered Yale Law School, where she met Bill Clinton. The former president often recalls the day when Hillary went to him and said “If you’re going to keep staring at me, I might as well introduce myself.” The two soon became partners in moot6 court, political campaigns, and the journey of love.
    When Bill was elected president in 1992, Hillary wasn’t content with7 just being First Lady. From working to reform national healthcare to fighting for the rights of the poor, she refused to stop fighting for what she believes in.
She was often criticized by her husband’s opponents8 for actively involving herself in politics. But in keeping with her personality, Hillary always kept her head held high.
“When she takes on a project, she works tirelessly until it is completed,” said Betty Lowe, an old friend of the Clintons. “It’s that kind of determination9 that will help her win the White House.”

Challenges and Opportunities for Hillary
    ★Hillary is seen as weak partly due to the biased thinking that women are weak on national security.
    ★The healthcare reform she headed in 1993 was not successful.
    ★As a two-term First Lady and two-term Senator, Hillary has many supporters. It is reported that she has collected a campaign fund of $13 million.
★Bill Clinton is still popular in the US and supports his wife. His recent poverty alleviation10 campaign worldwide will help his wife get international support.

Some Female Leaders in the World in Recent Years
Margaret Thatcher(British Prime Minister 1979-1990)
The “Iron Lady” was known for maintaining friendships with both the US and the former Soviet Union during the last years of the Cold War.
    Before being a politician, she worked as a research chemist.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo(Philippine President 2004-)
    Arroyo is a born politician and famous for her humor. A big fan of “Meteor Garden”11, she invited Jerry Yan12 to her home.
Yulia Tymoshenko(Prime Minister of Ukraine, Feb. 2005-Aug. 2005)
    Tymoshenko is famous for her beauty, elegant13 manners as well as hard political stands. She once said her looks helped her stand out in the male-dominated world of politics. She appeared on the front cover of Ukrainian fashion magazines frequently.




1. poll  n. 民意测验,民意调查
2. feel comfortable with 对…不反感,可以接受
3. face up to 面对
4. disciplined  adj. 受过训练的,遵守纪律的
5. take a firm line with... 对…采取强硬政策(或措施)
6. moot  n. (法学院学生的)模拟案件
7. be content with... 对…满意
8. opponent   n. 对手,反对者
9. determination   n. 决心,果断
10. alleviation   n. 缓和
11. Meteor Garden: 《流星花园》,是一部台湾青春偶像剧。
12. Jerry Yan: 言承旭,《流星花园》中的主要演员,饰演道明寺。
13. elegant   adj. 优美的,文雅的