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On Top of the World|生活在世界之巅

Have you ever wondered what tomorrow looks like? If so, you might like to visit Edward Ungott. Edward lives in Alaska, on St. Lawrence Island. On a clear day, he can look across the Bering Sea to Russia, only 36 miles away. Where Edward stands, it is today. For anyone standing on that other shore, it is already tomorrow.
Edward’s hometown of Gambell is only a few miles from the International Date Line. If he decided to hop1 in a boat on a Saturday in summer and take a short ride westward, he would reach the spot where Saturday becomes Sunday. He could spend Sunday afternoon fishing, then sail home—and back into Saturday!
Not for Sun Worshippers!
   In winter, though, boating is out of the question. “The sea is frozen,” says Violet, 15. “There is no hunting, no boating. But there is crabbing2—through holes cut in the ice.”
   If you can’t stand cold weather, don’t visit the island in winter. This time of year, temperatures average -7°to 11°F. If you wait for summer, the average temperature are 38°F to 48°F.  You probably wouldn’t do much sunbathing, anyway.
Edward and Violet come from a long line of people who have known how to live in a harsh3 climate. Like more than 96% of the island’s population, both teens are Yupik.
When most people think of Eskimos, they think of igloos4. But residents of the island live in one-story houses. Igloos made of ice are used only as emergency shelters.
Edward has gone seal hunting and helped catch much bigger prey. Now 18, he has been boating since he was 11. “I helped bring in a whale when I was 13,” he said, “and another one when I was 15.”
  Whenever a boat crew strikes a whale, nearby crews rush to help bring the whale to shore. The whole village shares in the work—and most of everything made from the whale’s body.
  What’s for Dinner?
   Whales are part of a traditional Yupik diet. The Yupik eat the whale’s skin as well as its meat and blubber. Violet’s family and other islanders can buy bread, milk, hamburger meat, and canned vegetables at the town store. But such items must be flown in from the mainland, along with mail, medicines, and other supplies. That makes them expensive. So islanders often eat what they hunt or can pick themselves, including greens and berries that grow wild. If you visit, try some Eskimo ice cream! It is a mixture of greens, seal oil, and berries.
  A World Away5
  St. Lawrence Island is 100 miles long and 25 miles wide. It has two villages. The two villages are only 40 miles apart. But that can feel like a world away because the island has no roads and no docks6, so travel between the towns is usually by plane. In town, people get around on snowmachines.
  Kids wear the usual things to school: jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, and sneakers. They have thick-soled7“bunny boots” for walking on ice, and snow boots for deep snow.
  Sheltering Wildlife
  Today, tourists are drawn by the island’s natural, rugged beauty and wealth of wildlife. St. Lawrence and other islands in the area have become important as protected natural habitats for seals and walruses8. (Only native peoples are allowed to hunt them, for their own use.) Birders are especially fond of St. Lawrence Island. Bird species of both Asia and the Americas migrate to this spot between the continents.
   Social Life
The most popular sport in Eskimo communities is basketball. Everyone enjoys playing the game. “It’s my favorite activity,” says Edward. Violet prefers cross-country skiing, but she also likes to hang out with friends at the gym.
  For kids and adults alike, the gym is the town’s social center. It is a warm place to meet, relax, and play, especially in winter—the traditional time for social gatherings. Kids play some b-ball9 or just talk, joke around, and have fun.
Most islanders speak Yupik as well as English. So when the day is over and people head for home, you might hear calls of “Esghaghlleqamken!” That means, “Goodbye! I’ll see you!”




1. hop  v. 跳
2. crab  v. 捕蟹
3. harsh adj. 艰苦的,恶劣的
4. igloo  n. 爱斯基摩人用雪块砌成的拱形圆顶小屋