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Skinny Scandal|都是骨感惹的祸

Just as style trends come and go, the body shapes of the models who wear them can shift on a whim4. And lately more and more girls are so thin, they have ribs you can visibly count.
Ana Carolina Reston, 21, was a Brazilian fashion model who worked on runways around the world. She also appeared in print ads, showing off the creations of top fashion designers such as Giorgio Armani. She always looked poiased5 and in control, but her life away from the runway was anything but controlled. Her desire to stay thin turned into an eating disorder. She existed on apples and tomatoes, and her weight plunged6 to a dangerous level. Finally, her body just gave up. Despite the efforts of doctors, she died. At the time of her death, the 5-foot 8-inch model weighed 88 pounds.
From fashion TV networks to ads, you’re bombarded with7 images of models representing the“ideal.” If you don’t look like them, you may feel you don’t deserve a life as great as theirs seem—or that you should change your body to look like theirs do. Sometimes the pressure to reach for unattainable thinness is more subtle8. You might not even realize you’ve become more critical of your shape and less at peace with your body.
In fact as long as designers create clothes they think look best on super-small bodies and model agents pressure girls to stay thin, we’ll be surrounded by skinny models. Here’s what you need to know to get a balanced perspective9 and to keep a healthy body and mind.

The Real Model Life
Think only super skinny looks pretty? Former model Amanda Kerlin says there’s a scary side to staying so thin.
 “When I was 16, I moved into an apartment my modeling agency rented for six up-and-coming10 models. I was surrounded by super-thin girls who would give you dirty ‘I’m better than you because I’m thinner than you’ looks. It was so intimidating11. And the only adults around were clients at castings12 who constantly asked,‘Can you lose weight?’ and who’d get mad if you didn’t fit into their size-2 and size-4 clothes. There was a lot of pressure to be skinny. So some girls would barely eat—they’d party and do cocaine all night and then have just a bagel13 and cream cheese or raw vegetables and yogurt14 for the day. I was six feet tall and 135 pounds, but as I naturally grew hips and bigger breasts, I felt like I couldn’t let my normal development happen.
My agency told me, ‘We want you to lose an inch or two,’ and when I couldn’t lose it right away, they’d ask me to come in every week to get measured. It would freak me out15 for the entire week—and God forbid16 if I had my period and was a little bloated17! But even if I’d had zero percent body fat, my agents would have thought I was too heavy because my body was naturally larger than some other girls’. After six years, I didn’t have the drive to stay super-skinny anymore—I felt like I was constantly being watched. So I left the industry to study art. But when I look at my body, I still think that if I don’t look like the waifs18 on the runway, I’m the fattest girl. It really damages your psyche19! But I remind myself that curves are beautiful. And I’ve realized there is so much more you can do in life: You should never go to extreme measures to look like a model.”

Role Models20
“I hope [talking about skinny models] I will help girls... It’s possible to be crueler to yourself than you would be to your worst enemy.”
—Natalia Vodianova (supermodel)
After she started modeling, Natalia says she began to hate her body—no matter how thin she got. Now she’s on a mission to protect girls’ health!

“I still feel hot... I think there’s more power in embracing what I am now and showcasing21 that.”
—Tyra Banks (top model/talk-show host)
At 5 feet 10 inches and 160 pounds, Tyra looks amazing, and she’s happy she doesn’t have to “live up to that model standard anymore.”

How the Industry Is Changing
★Monitoring minors: Now models in New York must be 16 to walk in runway shows, and to curb22 sleeplessness during the events, girls under 18 can’t be at fittings23 or shoots past midnight. They also must have regular breaks and rest, so their bodies aren’t too stressed.
★Global efforts: After three South American models died of anorexia24-related health problems, Spanish and Italian fashion-week organizations banned models with a body-mass index (BMI) under 18. (BMI is a calculation of weight in relation to height—anything under 18.5 is considered unhealthy.) Spanish government officials and designers have also agreed not to show clothing under a size 6 in shop windows.

What You Think

They affected me! “I see all these skinny models and then look in the mirror and feel like I’m obese25—even though I’m normal. I hate how it’s impossible for a girl to like herself these days. I just want us to grow up being okay with our bodies!”
           —Deanna, 16

Doesn’t bother me! “It’s unfair to hate naturally skinny models. It’s like me complaining that they’re too tall just because I wish I could grow a couple more inches.”—Sarah, 17

  安娜·卡罗琳娜·赖斯顿,21岁,是一名巴西籍时装模特,出现在世界各地的T型台上。她还在纸质广告中出镜,展示顶级时装设计师如乔治·阿玛尼的作品。她看上去总是泰然自若、沉着自信,但实际上T台之外的她生活混乱不堪。她渴望保持苗条,结果饮食紊乱。她靠苹果和西红柿来维持生命,体重下降到非常危险的程度,最终她的身体功能衰竭。尽管医生们做出种种努力,她还是死了。这位身高5英尺8 英寸的模特死前仅重88磅。



——泰拉·班克斯 (名模,脱口秀主持人)






1. be obsessed with 对…着迷
2. runway 此指模特走的T型台
3. glorify  v. 赞美,崇拜
4. on a whim 一时冲动
5. poised  adj. 泰然自若,沉着自信
6. plunge  v. 下降
7. be bombarded with 被过多的信息轰炸
8. subtle  adj. 微妙的
9. perspective [p?藜?謖spektiv] n. 观点,看法
10. up-and-coming 有前途的,前程似锦的
11. intimidating [in?謖timideiti?耷] adj. 吓人的,令人胆怯的
12. cast  v. 角色挑选,演员挑选
13. bagel n. 百吉圈(一种硬面包圈)
14. yogurt n. 酸奶
15. freak sb. out 使某人抓狂
16. God forbid (that) 但愿(这事不发生)
17. bloated adj. 膨胀的,臃肿的
18. waif [n. 瘦小的人
19. psyche  n. 心态
20. role model 楷模,行为榜样
21. showcase v. 展示
22. curbv. 约束,限制
23. fitting  n. 试衣,试穿衣服
24. anorexia  n. 厌食
25. obese  adj. 臃肿的,肥胖的