
my favourite hoilday

世界外国语学校预备年级 鲜肉包子

  what is your favourite hoilday?
the spring festival, the most important festival in china. january the twenty-ninth was this year's spring featival. on this day ,i did something special.  
   i watched tv all night the day before the spring festival. it was a spring gam soirce. it usually very intertesting.at midnight, i counted down the time to new year. i shot firecarker at twelve-four o'clock.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
   in the next day morning ,i got up early. i decorated my bedroom with colourful balloons and many sashes. after that, i made dumplings. and my father cooked them. eat dumplings is an convention of chinese. it means reunion.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
   in the afternoon, my family went to my grandparents' home. they cared my homework ,and always talked about it . then my grandparents gave me an rea packet. there were some ,money in it .after that my father talked someting about their health . and i found my old friends to paly.  
   at night, we had dinner with my aunt ,uncle and cousins in a restaurant.we celebrated the hoilday to each other. and adults talked about their work.  

位置:发表区   年级:小学6 关键字,节日,我,记一天
来源: 字数:846 投稿日期:2006-7-26 18:23:00 点击:
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