初中1年级 记叙文阅读指导

My Friend(我的朋友)

九龙坡区马王乡九栋4-3 猪猪LOVE

  Her favorite subject is music,and she doesn't like sports.

  I have a good friend.She and I often play badminton to gether.Her name's Sakura Momoko on foot,and she often reads English book in the morning. She eats dinner at home,but she has lunch at school.She usually goes to school at six forty.She likes to play the piano and the guitar. She never exercises, but she's very healthy.Her favorite subject is music,and she doesn't like sports.She often eats bread and milk in the morning.She usually gets up at nine o'clock on weekends.During the Period of school,she never gets up at seven o'clock.She never eats unhealthy food.She looks very cute,and she is very love learning.
位置:发表区 年级:初中1 关键字:写人,英语
作文id:869619 来源:原创 字数:516 投稿日期:2018-4-1 20:21:06 点击:
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推荐3星:[ROOT]2018-4-2 13:44:03
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