
Isle of Dead(下)

重庆市北碚区解放路西南师范大学实验小学六(2)班张莉琦 400700 HAPPY77

  这是澳大利亚布置的作业这也是我写的英语小说捧捧场!Boring? Normal? I wouldn’t say so.
We didn’t need to cut the rope. The lady had undone it for us. But we can’t escape. The tattooed man came and picked us up. “Thank you for showing us where our treasure is. But you’ve seen and know too much. Sorry, but I have to.” I said has he smiled. We all knew that he wasn’t sorry. “I’m taking you out to the sea...” I’m shocked. Even 5 minutes of swimming made me suffer! He twisted our hands and forced us to go to the under water entrance. He was just about to push us down. This person, no there were two of them! They came and rescued us. It was Peggy and her grandpa. Only her grandpa seemed younger.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
“You owe us an explanation.” Jess said quietly. We’re in the forest again. “Yes, I suppose we do.” The young man, Tom nodded. “Well, you see, we-Peggy and I are cops. The man and the lady you met today are escaped prisoners. The man’s dad, which is a prisoner as well, stole lots of things, the stuff you’ve seen today. We know that the stolen properties are on this island. So we hid here. Until they came. Enough?” “But the map, and the mist and the story...” I was just about to ask, when Peggy said: “Well, the map is fake. The mist is just because of the weather. And the story? You mean the story about the girl that’s disappeared 5 years ago? There is no such thing! I just said I came here 5 years ago for disguise. Any way, you helped us.” Peggy, held out her hands once again. ”And can you not tell anyone about what happened today?” Tom asked, we nodded.    
“How was the “Bay of Islands” trip?” my mum asked. “Oh, it was pretty, boring, and normal.” Jess answered. Boring? Normal? I wouldn’t say so.   

位置:发表区   年级:小学6 关键字,我,朋友
来源: 字数:1337 投稿日期:2005-8-19 14:48:00 点击:
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