
In the zoo

春城镇城南小学六年级六(1)班 红灯笼

  Look!Some of tourists give some food to monkeys,many monkeys snatch to eat.
 Today is Saturday.It's sunny day.I go to the zoo with my father.In the zoo,I can see many animals.They are all lovely!Look!Some of tourists give some food to monkeys,many monkeys snatch to eat.Two lions are fighting.Th-e panda is eating bamboos.The little koala is climbing the tree.The kanga-roo is jumping.The tiger is sleeping……I say:“Dad,look at the giraffe and look at the deer,the giraffe is tall,the deer is short,they look like us,you're tall,I'm short.”Dad says:“Yes,you're right.”        
 I like animals very much!Do you like them?

位置:发表区   年级:小学6 关键字,记一件事
来源: 字数:453 投稿日期:2009-3-29 10:37:00 点击:
  冰雪水灵儿 点评

推荐3星:[冰雪水灵儿]2009-7-11 11:55:27
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