
If this is love, then I love you

万州区国本中学观音岩实验校2011级12班 天使水晶泪

  If this is love, then I love you如果这是爱,那么我爱你
 “Hehe,If this is love, then I love you,But, I do not know who are you。In the silence of waiting, the appearance of your,No matter who you are, know me now, but I know that we must be happy。”  
 是我查了1个多小时的词典,才拼出来的,不知道有没有什么语法错误,好多单词意思都不知道,还跑到新华书店买了一本中文翻译成英语的词典,好贵的。如果你想知道什么意思,也去慢慢查吧。   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  I checked this is more than 1 hours of the dictionary, only go out, do not know if there is any grammar mistakes, do not know the meaning of many words, but also went to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy a Chinese translation into English dictionary, a good expensive. If you want to know what is meant, but also to check it slowly.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
 这个没有什么意思,只是我想到了在哪本书上看到的一句话“If this is love”就接着写的,想到一句就写一句,不过真的好难得查啊。看了还是留个言哈。

位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字记一件事
来源: 字数:578 投稿日期:2009-4-13 20:57:00 点击:
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