小学5年级 诗歌阅读指导

The life needs hope

黑水芦花小学五年一班 男生杰壬

  Yes, who does not hope all is well,  But, life sometimes brings us happy, sometimes pain,  In pain, we need more hope, hope is a light, light to the soul.
  farmers farming plow hope harvest,
  Workers, businessmen, hard work,hope himself and his family had a good life,
  Hard work of intellectuals hope the peaceful country and the safe of the people,
  Soldiers, police hope society, hope the world peace and stability,
  Yes, who does not hope all is well,
  But, life sometimes brings us happy, sometimes pain,
  In pain, we need more hope, hope is a light, light to the soul.
  Give people some hope   ,
  Hope, sometimes only sentence warm words,
  Hope, we all need
位置:发表区 年级:小学5 关键字:
作文id:844826 来源:原创 字数:411 投稿日期:2016-3-31 7:46:00 点击:
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