小学5年级 记叙文阅读指导

The Boring Little Fox


  Once upon a time,there was a little fox who lives in a forest.He had every thing he wants.
  One day,he was boring,so he think:What can I do?Than,what he will do?
  He dug a hole and put some bones in it.Now,he is thirsty.He walked to a river and drink some water.I think I should do some interesting things!The fox said.He found a place can let him play.
  The fox wrote a paper:Who can play hid-and-seek with me? Half hour later,a deer came and said"Fox,are you boring?I can play with you.""Of course I'm boring,I wanted to die when I felt too,too,too…BORING!!!'
  The deer and the little fox plays every day.

          ~The End~
  'chun chun' is very boring too!
位置:发表区 年级:小学5 关键字:,英语
作文id:834632 来源:原创 字数:545 投稿日期:2015-9-13 22:58:00 点击:
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