
Red Amber(红琥珀)

中国北京三帆中学初二十班,不曾离开,不曾离开! VAMPIRE13

  Red Amber   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  The crinoline of her dark flammulated dress swirled and swayed, sweeping into every corner of the stage. Bits of her ruddy cheeks sparkled as the amber glinted in dazzling lights. Each gentle wave, each tender step was full of passion and life. The red amber hanging from her neck flickered and swung from side to side, as she raised herself up in the air and fluttered like a Junoesque fairy. That striking bit of red caught my sight. I’ve never seen such strong a color, which almost…almost touched me, in a queer way.  
    I knew she reminds me of someone, someone that I long knew. She woke up this feeling inside me, the same feeling I used to have.  
    My heart froze as she approached the audience, bowing and smiling. I could see her pale, white face, but healthy and warm. It suddenly brought me to visions of the past, the same stage, the same blonde hair and that sweet smile, and of course, the same color of red.  
    Yes, that must be it! Ruby…she looked so much like Ruby. I could feel Ruby in my blood.  
    Though it has been hundreds of years since I’ve last seen Ruby, I still remember her face clearly. Straight blonde hair, with tints of brown. And that mysterious looking blue eyes of hers, could almost glance into one’s soul. She was a dancer in the downtown theatre, just a lot of singing and dancing, pretty much the same as what dancers do now, after hundreds of years passed by. I have always watched her performances, it kept me busy through unsleeping nights, and it gave me sweet dreams during the day. She had always worn a gorgeous red dress in her performances, guess it was because of her name, she loved the color red.  I did too. Red is such a cryptic color, it reminds me of a lot of things, things I valued the most before I turned into what I am now, and things that I desired the most after that. It reminds me of hot, pouring liquid of blood…  
    Ruby, I wonder what she’d be like now. If only she was still alive, she would be the one dancing before my eyes. Yes, just like before. Just like hundreds of years ago. But no, she’s no longer here anymore. I had to, I had no choice. It was the life in her I loved but it was her death I desired to possess. She could only be mine, she belonged to me, and no other men except me, for no one loved her more than I did.  
    I loved her. I loved her with all the love I could have had. And I loved her to death.  
    But why blame me? That was my only choice, to keep her dignity and satisfy my desire. I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing her flirting to other men, other human, for she’s only mine. I’ve always watched her, owned her, well, in my own twisted way.  
    Yes, she should definitely thank me. I loved her too much to let her live on in her own world, and she was too special to me to be one of us. So I drank the last drop of her blood, despite her cries and groans. I remembered that night of her first embrace, in the dim moonlight, the horrifying screams of pain; I don’t want to think about it anymore. But in a way I set her free, gave her a new life of death.  
    The sparkling amber rolled into my mind again, shiny red, glittering crystal of solid which seemed to be flowing like red liquid. Only that I didn’t know her name. I’ll give her a name then. Amber. Red Amber.  
    Staring at this girl in front of me, I felt a strong desire, a desire of possessing her, just as I felt at the very same day hundreds of years ago. But this time, I’ll keep her alive. Oh…Amber…  
    Maybe that was how it all started, circling in this irresistible destiny.  
     Amber wasn’t necessarily famous, but a lot of people liked her performances. The theatre was full every time she walks on stage. Every night, I’d walk right out of my coffin and sit at the very front row. I loved the way she danced, delivered her passion of life through airy moves. It was somewhat magical, aroused a ghost of warmth I’d long lost.  
    Love was pure when I was a human. But it turned out to be nasty and snarled up after I was bitten by a Vampire. In results, I became one myself. My feelings for love became numerous and complicated. Sure, life was harder for us vampires. And we always had to make farfetched connections with life and death, warmth and coldness, blood and passion. Maybe love was just a sacrificial innocent lamb, something all of us longed for but couldn’t get hold of. Beautiful things always ended up being filthy when evil and desires get in between.  
    My master taught me how to catch my preys; he said I had to erotic and seductive in some way in order to get preys to come willingly. But I didn’t need to, some girls just begged me to bite them for eternal life, since vampires don’t die of old age. I’ve always despised those girls, and I pitied them too, pitied them for trading their life of human for a life of undead.  
    Thanks to these foolish girls, I didn’t have to hunt for my preys. I’ve always bitten girls I despised, but never the ones I loved. I loved human, loved their weakness and their warmth. I could never ever turn them into one of us.  
    But master told me that the loved ones could be with me for ever by biting them on the neck. Just one bite and it will all be over.   
    Day after day I watched Amber silently, sat back and enjoyed her dances. I felt I possessed her as I used to possess Ruby. I liked it this way, she danced, I watched. She never knew me, but something connected us.  
    She grew more beautiful each day. Until one day, I saw her with a young man outside the theatre. They held hands and slowly strolling down the street. The street lamp hit the red amber, and it seemed to be glowing, prettier than ever. They walked and talked…and then kissed. I didn’t know how, but the anger aroused in me, struggling and roaring to burst. What do you humans know about love? How much longer can it last? A whole life? And how long is that?  
    Amber…she had that same smile on, just like the one Ruby had. Amber…Ruby…Why? Why is this happening? I was wrong, they were both common street woman after all.  
    The street lights faded into a small dot of white. Blood poured down my lips, the blood I loved, and it is now mine. I saw that Red Amber she always wore loosened; it left her neck for the first time, and it fell to the ground and smashed into tiny glittering pieces. But the pieces seemed dead and motionless, no longer flowing, but solid pieces of rock.  
    Moments flashed back in my mind, I could still see Amber dancing the dance of life, as if I was back to the moment I first met her.  
    I loved Amber. I loved her with a love that was beyond love, it was a love that no human could understand And I loved her to death.  
  尽管我最后一次见到红宝石是几百年前了,我仍然清晰地记得她的模样。笔直的金发,带有一丝丝棕色嵌杂在里面。还有她那深邃的蓝眼睛,几乎可以窥见一个人的灵魂。她是市区剧院的舞女,也就是唱歌和跳舞,和几百年后的现在的舞女们做的没有太大差别。 我总是去看她的演出,让我在不眠的黑夜保持忙碌,有给我白天的美梦。她每次演出都穿着华贵的红裙子,也许是因为她的名字,红宝石,她才格外喜欢红色。我也是,红色的是一个神秘的意义含糊的颜色,总能让我想起一些东西,让我想起我在变成现在这样之前最珍贵的东西,让我想起我在变成现在这样之后最需要的东西。让我想起沸腾的,倾泻的血液…….  
位置:精品区   年级:初中2 关键字,英语
作文id:184007 来源:原创 字数:7746 投稿日期:2008-2-3 4:20:00 点击:
  ROOT 点评
推荐发表:[五粒豌豆]2008-2-3 6:38:10---- By ROOT 2008-2-3 7:45:06

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