
About the indulgences


  And as I said, the other's history.
  I indulge myself in playing PC games. I enjoyed and loved to play PC games since very young. From the idiot game"killing mosquitoes" till now on"Warcraft" series. Sometimes I played all day long sitting in front of my computer, staring at the screen, knocking on my mouse and keyboards.  
  During my teenage life, I started to grow some ability in self-control and began to realize, that keeping playing PC games made me looks like an undead or a zombine.in some words. Although I might got talent in playing PCgames and even won several prizes on them, I found it's dangerous to live like that.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  Step by step, I got rid of playing games without control.And as I said, the other's history.
位置:发表区   年级:小学1 关键字,英语
作文id:763453 来源:原创 字数:585 投稿日期:2014-2-22 6:49:00 点击:
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