
I have to learn English way

连南民族初级中学 廖佳英

  Now I’m enjoying learning english,and my parent are very happy.
  I think english is an enteresting language, So I like speak it very much ,Fpr me, I think listening to tapes and reading alound every day ,help me a lot . Some people fells learning english ia very difficult,  
  In fact, If you are hard_working to study english,You will fall in love with it , For example, when I started to study english, I hate it very much ,Because it‘s diffiult for me,But when I study hard_working. I found a good idea.So now I study by makeing vocabulary lists,asking the teacher for help, and practice conversations with my friends,Now I’m enjoying learning english,and my parent are very happy.

位置:发表区   年级:初中3 关键字,英语
来源: 字数:509 投稿日期:2008-10-11 19:36:00 点击:
推荐3星:[LISHUYI]2008-10-11 19:53:17
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