

顺德区大良西山上筑8座503 周维清

  I were born from the moment, mom in my side care and takes care of me, and I was taken for granted, which the world has a mother is not solove their children?"
 I were born from the moment, mom in my side care and takes care of me, and I was taken for granted, which the world has a mother is not solove their children? "there is only a mother good, have mama of children like a treasure……" The children's song has been haunted in my ear. I don't know what is the real love, because I never really tried. I don't know what is love, a mother's love is a kind of feeling? Yes, this is a kind of affection.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
 Ten months pregnant, and it will consume the mother of how many energy, mother is silently under, ten years of nurture, and how much effort will consume the mother, the mother has no doubts whatsoever. They did it silently offer, who for? For us, for we can become the beams of the country grew up, we grow up to be happy, is mother's biggest happiness.Some people even his mother's birthday all don't know, stuff in his own birthday, let mother buy this buy that, the mother's money is which come of, is all hard-earned, for with sweat, and in mother's birthday, but as usual insipid past, no one remember, no one mentioned, no one said 1: "happy birthday."We should filial piety our mother, filial mother don't need flashy, for their parents to wash a feet, and to wipe a face, comb a head… The ordinary things is filial piety.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
 What's the most precious life? A mother's love. Every great man behind a great mother. Thank god, we are not great, but also has great maternal love. Distant return, mother always came to the door open caused a face of gratitude, her firing back as god rare female gifts.The mother of life beyond all enemy modesty, they create a world of absolute conscience. People will always declare the maternal love great. Parables, also always willing to compared to the things a promissory note, few someone put a mother's love compared to water, think that it is too flat. Little imagine, life is so, go light is true."I am in the mother's arms, the mother in the boat, the boat in the month of the ocean." Light of infiltration of the breath of a strict, this is mother to my love.  
 Gradually, I found the mother is old, appeared a face like a knife as deep wrinkles, the hair also some pale, and to see these, my nose a acid, this is relentless years remain down mark, in the mother's life, a good filial piety you mother!
位置:发表区   年级:小学6 关键字,英语
作文id:701525 来源:原创 字数:1897 投稿日期:2012-11-4 17:07:00 点击:
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