
Gold Story

广西梧州旺甫 上级

  East dragon palace, no longer see a person face up.
    Long, long ago, the dragon was adopted with the Jade Emperor, they still enjoy every day. Of course, the queues are familiar with the matter on the sky. One day, and the Jade Emperor published list of successful candidates, for all the zodiac animals to the throne. But only 12 places. Dragon is the first one to know of this incident, it immediately to please the Jade Emperor Gold hope to be the first. The effort to pass a very short time in 2001. To become a zodiac animals on the first day before literally had to sweat blood to the    competition in practice. Dragon? Long popular in bed like it : We love the Jade Emperor, the last one I even have no fear. He will help us in the first place. The next day, almost all the animals have the sports ground to the sea. Started! Twelve players began intense competition. Unexpectedly, the first half dragon is ranked first. Followed, more than Lung more interesting; Vietnam more than happy to go up gradually, but also tried to ridicule the other team members. Competition has finally come to an end, the Jade Emperor stand on the rostrum, said : "I now announce that the first" Suddenly, The audience broke the coagulation of blood in the blink of an eye, "old-mouse! second, cow! third, and the tiger! Next is the rabbit, dragon, a snake, horse, sheep, throat, chicken, dog and pig! "broke into cheers. However, dragon tears, he said : "I am very proud of all that he did not receive the first zodiac. "Then, It returned to their East dragon palace, no longer see a person face up.  
位置:发表区   年级:初中1 关键字,话题作文,童话
作文id:102602 来源:原创 字数:1291 投稿日期:2006-12-22 18:05:00 点击:
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