
My Vacation Plans

安平二中 雪凤

  It has 25 days off.
            My Vacation Plans  
    We are going to have a vacation. It has 25 days off. I will tell you about my vacation plan. My mother often asks me get good grades.I am very distress. If I have good grades. I am gong to finish my homework first. I will play computer games every day. Then I’m going to supermarket with my mother. At last, I will a great vacation. If I can’t get good grades, my vacation will very terrible. First, my mother will compel me to study. Next, my grandmother will very sad. Then my vacation was boring. At last, my mother will very prattle. Hum…… Hope I will get good grads!

位置:发表区   年级:初中2 关键字,英语
来源: 字数:477 投稿日期:2010-2-21 15:05:00 点击:

推荐3星:[DANXUE]2010-2-21 15:05:28
+2收藏 精品
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-1真糟 退稿